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Orkut Adds New Feature To Automatically Find & Add Your Gmail Contacts

Orkut Login Find Friends

Orkut the myspace of south-asia and Brazil introduced a new feature allowing users to find and add their Gmail contacts already on Orkut with a single click, in the official blog post on Orkut blog software engineer Jude Britto writes:

Orkut Invite Friends

One of the nice things about Gmail is that it adds the names of the people you have been in touch with over the years as contacts in your address book. Wouldn't it be nice if you could automatically find those contacts on orkut? We've started rolling out a new feature to do just that. If you use a gmail address to log into orkut, finding your friends is now just a click away. The find friends button on the homepage, friends page or friends list page gets you started on importing contacts. Your gmail address is already filled in, and since you've already logged into orkut, we don't have to ask for your Gmail password once again. We'll show you the contacts who are already on orkut, and let you choose which ones to add as friends. For contacts who aren't on orkut yet, we make it easy to choose the ones you want to invite to orkut. You can even add a personal message to send with the invite. Soon, we'll be adding support to import your contacts from other email accounts.

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