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Electric Eel - The Open Source Digital Condom Enhances Pleasure Using Electrical Pulses

Condoms would be the most widely used safety "device" for protected sex world-over, the only drawback they face is the decreased sensation and pleasure while using them. While we have seen technological advances in almost every aspect of our life, sex has not got it's share of any major new enhancement. This is soon going to change as Bill Gates has taken the initiative to offer a prize of $100,000 to the winner of their "Condom Improvement Contest" aiming to increase practice of safe-sex. The project has promoted many to make the "GenNext Condom" and one such entry is an open-source "Digital Condom" startup named "Electric Eel" which "shockingly" uses tiny electrical shocks to improve pleasure offering better sexual experience resulting in higher usage of condoms and safety for both partners.

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