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Should I upgrade to Windows 8

Microsoft Taunts Windows 8 Critics With Humorous Advertisement

We have seen Windows 8 being criticised for it's radically new user-interface, well to answer the "bashers" Microsoft has published a rather humorous advertisement, have a look yourself below.

Microsoft Windows 8: The Animated Rant Goes Viral

Microsoft Windows 8 drastic user-interface changes received both good and bad reactions, but here is something outright attacking.

[Video] - A three year old kid can use Windows 8 like a champ, can't you ?

We have seen users bashing Windows 8 for it's Metro UI, but in reality the changes are not that drastic as propogated and can easily be learned. Here is an interesting video showing a three year old kid working with Windows 8 proficiently - and if he can, why can't you ?

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