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Yahoo Messenger 11 Beta Download With Full Offline Installer

YIMYahoo Messenger 11 Beta is now available for download with new social features allowing users to not only chat but share, connect, and play with friends and family. The new version aims to bring new social features like Social Games with ability to share/update your status, post comments and chat across Facebook right from Yahoo Messenger.

Yahoo Instant Messenger 11

This Windows Beta is available as a standard online installer which prompts you to download and install the usual Yahoo! bloat with the messenger with your active internet connection, however we have extracted the full offline setup (does not require an active internet connection to install) without the bloat as shared at the end of this post.

Yahoo Instant Messenger 11 Installer With All It's Bloat
Yahoo Instant Messenger 11 Installer


thanks man.

nice Messenger

Yahoo messenger is the crappiest piece of software... it will hang , it wont connect , discoonect , and u cant even exit normally , u have to signout and then go to file > exit ... WTF ?

use Pidgin instead , multiplat form support .. there are few limitation though... but none the less way better than the bloatware / ads ridden yahoo messenger


cung vay thoi


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