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Bypass Captcha

Anti-Spam Honeypot, The Best Way to Fight Spambots?

A lot has happened in the world since we first heard the term CAPTCHA back in 2003. Indeed, websites no longer face the same enemies they did back then. AI got better, stronger, and more intelligent. Thus, the challenge just got harder and more complex.

In this scenario, trapped in the crossfire between AI-fueled hackers and spammers and companies are end-users. How can you seal your website against spam and malicious attempts while retaining high conversion rates and customer satisfaction?

The solution is here and is called “The Honeypot Strategy”. So, read on, apply it to your website and make the most out of your online presence.

Is CAPTCHA The Best Solution to Keep Bots Away?

CAPTCHA is an acronym standing for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. The basic idea behind this term is to make a Turing test that can be easy for humans and ideally impossible for bots or AI.

This way, by asking a user to take a simple step before granting their way in, bots and spam were kept out of sites. The first CAPTCHAs were, indeed, fairly simple to solve, you had to input the text from a distorted image in the text box next to it.

The situation changed around 2010; AI became stronger and bots started learning to bypass CAPTCHAs. Thus, sites started making CAPTCHAs stronger. This meant they became more complex as well. As a result, users had to use more of their time to fulfill simple tasks online.

Rumola - Firefox, Chrome And Safari Addon To Decode And Bypass CAPTCHA Image Verification Automatically

Rumola LogoAlthough serving an essential task of securing automated non-human (BOT) access to web-services CAPTCHA image verification is an necessary evil, the annoying CAPTCHA codes not only wastes your time but can also become a pain at times when they get hard to recognize - resulting in repeated failed attempts.

To get you relieved from this annoyance, a new web-browser addon "Rumola" offers automated CAPTCHA code decoding and filling to it's users. The addon is currently available for free on Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari webbrowser - Once installed and activated "RUMOLA" gets into action automatically whenever a CAPTCHA test is detected and fills the code for you.

Rumola CAPTCHA Bypass
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