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Firefox Addon

Rumola - Firefox, Chrome And Safari Addon To Decode And Bypass CAPTCHA Image Verification Automatically

Rumola LogoAlthough serving an essential task of securing automated non-human (BOT) access to web-services CAPTCHA image verification is an necessary evil, the annoying CAPTCHA codes not only wastes your time but can also become a pain at times when they get hard to recognize - resulting in repeated failed attempts.

To get you relieved from this annoyance, a new web-browser addon "Rumola" offers automated CAPTCHA code decoding and filling to it's users. The addon is currently available for free on Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari webbrowser - Once installed and activated "RUMOLA" gets into action automatically whenever a CAPTCHA test is detected and fills the code for you.

Rumola CAPTCHA Bypass

FXChrome - Style To Make Firefox 4 Look Like Google Chrome

Similar to user's who prefer old Firefox styling there are many who love Google Chrome's minimalistic approach, if you are also looking for the same - FXChrome for "Firefox 4" is the theme you need to get.

Chrome Theme On Firefox

KwiClick - The Faster And Smarter Way To Search On Firefox

Anything which makes searching the web fast and efficient is a must have on my computer, and firefox addon kwiClick just made entry into that list. What kwiClick does is that it saves your time by delivering search results from your favorite services directly to you - without opening new tabs or navigating between pages while searching, thanks to the innovative and sleek in-tab window. The user just need to highlight any text and they can initiate the instant smart search via the intelligent search clover which appears above the selected text, having support for services like Google, Twitter, YouTube, FriendFeed, Google Maps, Flickr, Wikipedia, Amazon, Technorati, Veoh, Howcast, Live Video, Viddler, Yahoo,, and many more this addon packs quite a punch. Images, features and video demonstration with download link after the jump.


Firefox Anti-Aliasing Tuner Addon Let Users Customize Perfect Text Rendering Settings

One of the major new feature introduced in recently released Firefox 4.0 is the browser's ability to make use of computer's hardware capabilities to offer better text-rendering using hardware graphic acceleration, to make most out of this new feature Firefox addon "Anti-Aliasing Tuner" is here allowing customization of various Direct2D/DirectWrite text rendering parameters for personalized optimal results.

Firefox Anti-Aliasing Addon

"Start Faster" Addon For Firefox Makes Loading Time Faster By 2x

Faster FirefoxIn my quest to get the fastest possible experience with our beloved Firefox web-browser here we have another trick to get upto 2x faster start-up of Firefox on Windows OS, Firefox addon "Start Faster" does exactly what it's name suggests making use of some clever tinkering with core OS "prefetch" functionality to make the web-browser loading time faster.

Firefox Load Time Before Using "Start Faster"
Firefox Load Time Benchmark

Stop Autoplay - Firefox Extension To Make Auto Playing Media On Webpages Play At Will

Block Background Music "Stop AutoPlay" is a free firefox extension to block annoying autoplay media on webpages like background sounds and auto-start movies, Stop Autoplay will stop the auto-loading media and allow you to control whether to play it or not.

Block Unwanted Sounds On A Webpage

To block the autoplay of the embedded media, you have two modes to choose:

  • Disable only the autoplay of the embedded media. In this case, the media file will still be loaded and embedded when page is loading. Press the Play button of the controller when you want.
  • Block the media when loading a page. It will be replaced by a red frame with a play button in the center. Click in the red frame to load and then play it.

It is advised not to use this extension with Flashblock extension for Firefox.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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