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Poker apps are now available in India

Poker online is gaining much popularity in India, not only it is a source of entertainment but also a source of income. There are several online poker games in India.

Your Guide to Cybersecurity Strategy

A proper cybersecurity strategy is a must for businesses, but a regular person should not discard its importance either. Whether you are using a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone, there are quite a few potential threats on the internet that could expose personal information, worsen device performance, or wipe data, to name a few.

Avoiding these and other threats is manageable so long as you are smart about using the devices properly while online. Let's take a look at some key aspects of how a good cybersecurity strategy should look like. And remember that you need to incorporate as many ideas as you can for that extra bit of safety.

Purchase a VPN

A virtual private network costs only a few dollars a month, and you can get an even better deal by ordering a yearly plan.

VPNs excel when you have to use the public internet. While your home network should be safe enough, the same cannot be said about Wi-Fi at hotels, bars, libraries, and other public establishments.

Of course, if you want, you can also use virtual private networks when you are at home. They still provide an extra security layer, and if you already have a service you subscribe to, it only makes sense to make the most out of it, right?

How Can You Protect Your Home Network and Why?

A Wi-Fi router is a gadget you can probably find at almost every home. It enables all outgoing and incoming traffic and controls which device can access your Wi-Fi network (PCs, laptops, phones, tablets, etc.).

Are You Considering Purchasing A VPN? Here Is Everything You Need To Know

If you own a smartphone or tablet, the chances are that you are considering using a VPN. Many internet users are now using VPNs across the globe. Research done by the Global Web Index revealed that over 26% of internet users currently rely on VPN services.

While browsing features may conceal your browsing history, they won’t give you the utmost online protection. This is why you need a virtual private network [VPN].

5 Essential Tools for Accessing the Dark Web

Most people browse the Internet on a mobile device or a computer that features a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. The IP address of a device allows networks to send the required information to the correct place. Additionally, your IP address can be used for tracking all your activities on the Internet. You can remain anonymous and prevent others from tracking your online activities by using the ‘Dark Web’.

The Dark Web will anonymize your actual IP address and make it almost impossible for anyone to find out which websites you have been visiting via your device. However, even when using Dark Web, you’ll be exposed to the same kind of risks that you encounter when using the more conventional Open Web. 
Dark Web is specifically known for being the breeding ground for sex offenders, who use the platform for discussing their ill tactics openly. What’s worse is that it’s extremely difficult for the police to gather proof of online abuse and other similar offenses taking place on the Dark Web. 

The section below talks about five tools that will allow you to access the Dark Web with minimum risk. 

Fake Websites 101: How to Spot Them?

Data security is paramount for anyone using sophisticated devices like smartphones, laptops, PCs, and tablets to connect to the internet. Phishing is a serious threat for individuals as well as businesses who value their data. According to ENISA (The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity), phishing attacks witnessed a huge spike in 2020 when people across the globe were forced to stay indoors due to the lockdown. Google is doing its bit in labeling malware and phishing sites. However, a little knowledge at your end makes it easier for you to such tackle threats.

Why is the Gamers Greeting Amazon Gift Card so Popular?

Gift Card
Image Credit : Pixabay

Gift cards have a well-established reputation for making some of the best gifts on the planet. They allow the recipient to get what they want, and they are ideal personal presents that are just adaptable enough to make them unique.

If you love someone, you get them a gift card. No one knows better than the recipient what they want as a present, and a gift card allows them to get precisely that.

How to change your iOS GPS location?

The GPS location tracking feature of the iPhone enables you to add your current location to your social media posts or photos.

SpillFan Explains How to Prepare a Perfect Gaming Experience

Every gamer will tell you that gaming is the best thing ever. And that's true in a sense, but there's always some room for improvement. No matter what platform you might be gaming on, you can improve your gaming experience and make it more comfortable if nothing else.

What is IoT data analytics ?

IoT data analytics describes the methods by which organizations gather large volumes of information (which can reach the petabyte level for some businesses) and analyze it go gain a better understanding of their own operations and their clients. Optimizing this process takes place in four stages, starting with the collection of data (generally unstructured) generated by IoT devices. This information is then stored in an appropriate big data IoT analytics system, which is much like an extended database. The system carries out IoT analytics processes (which may be tailored to meet the needs of an individual organization), and then generates reports in a user-friendly manner.

IoT Data

Critically, IoT data analytics must happen in real-time, or as close to it as possible. The reasons for this are clear when one considers predictive, proactive maintenance and troubleshooting and the cost-savings they can generate compared to a reactive approach. Predictive and preventive maintenance are deployed widely in the telecommunications industry, but are being adopted increasingly by many other sectors and companies whose operations include field service for all manner of devices.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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