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Jailbreak With Sn0wbreeze

How to create an customized signed IPSW firmware using Sn0wbreeze

The cat-and-mouse game between jailbreakers and Apple is getting tough for hackers with every new release of Apple iOS, as it plugs existing loopholes which they exploit. Anyone trying to restore Apple iOS 5.1.1 on iPhone 4 and 4S will face iTunes errors like 3194 and 1600 while trying to flash an sn0wbreeze customized IPSW file, even when having saved SHSH blobs and using TinyUmbrella TSS server. The solution to this problem is to have the custom .IPSW firmware file stitched with previously saved SHSH digital signatures, follow the detailed instructions ahead to get this done using sn0wbreeze.


Download iOS 5 Beta 6 And Sn0wbreeze 2.8 For iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch, iPad

Apple has posted live the latest BETA version download links for it's upcoming iOS 5 mobile operating-system to developers, IPSW download links for the latest dev-release iOS 5 Beta 6 is meant only for Apple iOS Developers and is restricted to registered Apple developer's only via Apple Developer Site. Apart from the usual bug-fixes The latest beta makes video content in applications and websites automatically AirPlay enabled.

Apple iOS 5

To complement the iOS 5 Beta 6 release by Apple, iH8sn0w released Sn0wbreeze 2.8 allowing jailbreaking on previous Apple iOS 5 Beta 5 release.

Sn0wbreeze 2.2 RC3 Fixes Apple's iBooks Jailbreak Detection

Few days ago Apple started detecting jail-broken devices via iBooks denying access to books if found positive, to counter this sn0wbreeze v2.2R3 is now available for download patching the gap Apple used to detect sn0wbreeze jailbroken phones.

sn0wbreeze 2.2 RC3
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