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Google Voice

Microsoft Cortana Voice Assistant Comes To Android and iOS

Microsoft has now officially announced the arrival of Cortana Voice Assistant on rival Google Android and Apple iOS platforms. Labeling Cortana as "the first personal digital-assistant who works across your PC & your phone", the idea here is to enable the power and intelligence of a personal assistant available across device's be it your Desktop or mobile device. The idea also opens up the opportunity to sync, analyze and share the collective wisdom derived from the data across user devices enabling smarter suggestions from the virtual-assistant.

Microsoft Windows 10 Phone Companion

The announcement also detailed a new Windows 10 feature, the ‘Phone Companion App’ on the PC. The Windows 10 application will not only help users install Cortana app from the Google Play or Apple App Store onto their phones but which will also allow seamless data-sharing and syncing of any Windows phone, Android phone, or iPhone to Windows 10 PC. Do watch the official introduction video to checkout what exactly Microsoft has in store for your computing future.

The Battle Of The Best : Siri Vs Google Now Vs Cortana

The voice-activated personal assistant on your phones are getting smarter by the day and the battle for most usable artificial intelligence is being fought between Apple Siri, Google Now and Cortana. Stone Temple, a consulting company decided to put these three against each other to determine the best technology amongst them by evaluating each with no less then 3,000 voice queries.

Want to know who won the fight? Just watch the video below and click the "Read More" link below to get the exact results.

Forget Siri And Google Voice, Checkout This Video Of Coding By Voice Faster Than Keyboard

Using simple commands and phrases to perform easy tasks is what we get using Apple Siri and Google Voice in there current form, imagine what would be the reaction when you see someone coding in Python without touching the keyboard at all and that too faster than the using one - Just watch the amazing video demonstration below.

Voice Coding
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