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Godaddy Domain

The GoDaddy Anti-SOPA PR Nightmare Continues, Protestors Looking To Target More Supporting Companies

While GoDaddy has officially taken a u-turn on SOPA, the PR-nightmare continues as individuals are coming with guns blazing on the company creating website like Bye Daddy and Chrome Extensions like GoDaddy Detector making efforts to crowd-source the anti-SOPA sentiment against the company urging GoDaddy users to get away from them. The protesters are also voicing their opinions on social websites like reddit, CBS You Suck and One Candle In The Dark (don't forget to watch their video "The Companies Pushing SOPA Are The Same People Who Distributed The Piracy Software" after the jump) and asking users to VETO the bill by signing the petition quoting president Obama : "the more freely information flows; the stronger that society becomes".

Watch the video "The Companies Pushing SOPA Are The Same People Who Distributed The Piracy Software" after the jump.

Go Daddy Loses 37,000+ domains In Two Days Thanks To Their Support For New American Censorship Bill SOPA

GoDaddy CryingSupporting the anti-public "PROTECT IP Act" or "Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)" had some serious negative effect for the company as the PR nightmare evoked mass-transfers of domain-names from the company to other registrars, the anti-SOPA sentiments on the web made godaddy users transfers-out 37,000+ domains in just two days to other registrars - taking swift action under "damage-control" Godaddy has now officially revoked their support to the SOPA bill and is requesting users to stay with them.

Anti-SOPA supporters are doing everything in their capacity to oppose the bill and further make the internet community stance clear on the issue by voicing their opinions like, reddit post, and a crowd-sourced list of SOPA supporting companies which one should boycott. We also oppose #SOPA and would strongly urge users to oppose the same - to understand the negative effects of this bill an infographic and video is posted after the jump (must see for every computer user).

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