If you are a power-user you definitely need a tool like "Free Opener" on your computer, Just imagine the time and effort you require to download and install individual software utilities to view those common file-formats like Microsoft® Office, Adobe® PDF, music, video, images, code-files, archives and many other files.
"Free Opener" is a smart choice making all these hassles go away by offering a single solution to open more than 75+ file-extensions including common ones like DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, CSV, PDF, RAR, ZIP, .PSD Photoshop files and many-many more. It's a win-win solution for everybody, you not only save-up time installing all these applications but also save disk-space and system resources giving away all the bloat of those individual applications.

Free File Opener Megalecher
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make a version for MAC users ASAP. Thank YOU
"Vorschau" - Preview opens
"Vorschau" - Preview opens all that files too. Wherefor you need a Mac version of this one?
I am great fan of megaleecher, your really rocks,
thanks for sending us timely updates about new software etc.
your efforts really appreciated.
kunal vishwakarma
thank you for this wonderful
thank you for this wonderful post, it will really help us
This is a great tool, thanks a lot.. Cheers! Megaleecher
Merci Megaleecher pour votre
Merci Megaleecher pour votre site bien utile!
Free Opener
This damn software opened everything I threw at it: docx, flv, jpg, txt, mp4.....etc.
Esta mendiga aplicacion abrio todo que le heche encima: docx, flv, jpg, txt, mp4 y mas.
bravo megaleecher
bravo megaleecher svaka cast
you are the best
This is just brilliant!!! Thanks Megaleecher for giving this wonderful utility.
really good tool ! thanks for
really good tool ! thanks for the share !
God Sent
Tks a lot for this latest update.
this software is amazing.its
this software is amazing.
its very useful software
Thankyou for the wonderful
Thankyou for the wonderful software... :)
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