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How To Recover Saved Twitter Password From Your Web-browser

Finding yourself in a tough spot with a forgotten Twitter account password - worry not if you happen to have your web-browser autologin to Twitter with saved login/password, free portable utility "TwitterPasswordDecryptor" for Windows will let you recover twitter account password instantly by decrypting the stored credentials by any popular web browsers.TwitterPasswordDecryptor automatically crawls through browsers password databases, instantly decrypting and recovering all stored Twitter passwords.

Twitter Password Cracker Utility

Available both as an easy-to-use GUI interface and a command-line avatar TwitterPasswordDecryptor supports recovery from Internet Explorer (all versions from 4 to 8), Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera web-browsers. While the utility is meant for ethical use it can also be used by Penetration testers, forensic officials as well as hackers and crackers to gain unauthorized access to one's twitter account.

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