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Latest Version of iTunes

Apple iTunes 9.2 Supporting New iOS 4 and iPhone 4 Now Available For Download

Apple iPhone 4 and iOS4 gets officially released next week and will require the newest iTunes 9.2 update to enable syncing which is now available for downloading, apart from adding support for newest iPhone device and software the latest update also adds support for iBooks and PDFs.

iTunes 9.2 Update

iTunes 9.2 download links is available at the end of the post, the update weighs 92.29 MB for Windows 32-bit, 92.99 MB for Windows 64-bit, and 101.99 MB file for .

Apple iTunes 9.1 Available For Download

Apple iTunes 9.1 download is now live offering iPad syncing with ability to download iBooks, the latest update also allows users to rename, rearrange, or remove Genius Mixes.

iTunes 9.1 Upgrade

However, if you are using a tethered Blackra1n jailbroken iPhone 3.1.2 you will experience syncing issues with iTunes 9.1 but no worries as we now have a fix from iH8sn0w dubbed blackbreeze.

Apple iTunes 9.0.3 Download Available Now

Apple iTunes 9.0.3 is now available for download, nothing groundbreaking in this update but does fix some problems like it no longer ignores the "Remember password for purchases" setting, fixes syncing issues with some smart playlists and podcasts, resolves a problem recognizing when iPod is connected and addresses issues that affect overall stability and performance of the software.

iTunes 9.0.3
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