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Jailbreak 4g

Blackra1n Screenshots Released; Better One Click Jailbreaking Utility appuloha1l Launching Today

GeoHot's much awaited one tool to rule them all Blackra1n seems to be releasing soon is now released (see full post for Blackra1n direct download links) hours after GeoHot made GUI and icon screenshot's public on twitter, however, things are getting quite exciting as a better more advanced one-click jailbreaking utility for all versions and generations of iPhone/iPod Touch is coming our way today dubbed appuloha1l, the author's claim appuloha1l to be more advanced then blackra1n as its capable of jailbreaking untethered iPod Touch 3rd generation and is seven seconds faster then blackra1n for jailbreaking (blackra1n takes 30 seconds to jailbreak, while appuloha1l takes 23 seconds to jailbreak).

Blackra1n User Interface
Blackra1n On iPhone
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