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A Reason For Not Upgrading Your iPhone 3G To iOS4 - Slow Speed

If you are thinking of upgrading your iPhone 3G to Apple iOS 4 as it is now confirmed jailbreakable and unlockable, you must consider the performance impact the new OS will bring to your device as demonstrated below in video.


Did he update or did a full restore

Doing a full restore will be a better performance since it deletes and makes it clean install

Also doing the internet Wi-Fi test, I think that both should connect to a different wi-fi than doing it from the same one
It will hog for the same connection and makes it slower to both devices

I don't know who did this performance test, but my 3G running jailbroken iOS4 is faster at loading MOST things than my brothers on 3.1.3.

We both have extensive music and video libraries, so I guess it comes down to iOS4 not slowing down as much as the device becomes more full. Outweighs the problem with an empty device if you ask me.

mine isnt as slow as the one hes showing.

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