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3wPlayer Malware Infected Torrent's Spreading On P2P Networks

3wPlayer Media Player

Recently Torrent sites are getting spammed by malicious torrent uploads disguised as new movie releases, torrent users are reporting that they have downloaded various videos mostly claiming to be new movie releases or TV shows only to be confronted with a short video which advises them to download a new media player called 3wPlayer to view the rest of file. The few second clip show the Url to download this malware media player 3wPlayer.

The player installs a form of CIDHELP malware which is very hard to get rid of, The only solution to this problem is to make the user aware of this kind of tactic and reporting any such torrent to the torrent website for removal.


Download & use this 3wplayer and similar video malware Auto-Fixer for windows to decode files (Special Direct Rapidshare Premium Link ~ 590 KB) >>

USAGE: decoder.exe 3wPlayerencodedfilename.avi outputfilename.avi

To decrypt the underlying video data you can the following perl script.

CryptLoad Rapidshare & MegaUpload Auto-Downloader [CLEANED]

CryptLoad - Rapidshare Downloader

CryptLoad is the latest entry to the ever growing list of software tools to automate file downloading from file-sharing services like, and amongst many other.

Rapidshare Software Main

Features Include:

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Windows XP Task Manager Tips

Windows XP Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) has a not so widely known "no titlebar" view mode just double-click on the empty area on the right side of the tabs. Once it has switched views, you can switch back quickly by double-clicking anywhere on the border.

Show Windows Xp Task manager

Switch to the Performance tab before activating this border-less mode and you will have a nice and simple CPU monitoring desktop widget without using any third-party application.

Now uTorrent goes mobile - thanks to mUI (mobileUI)

µTorrent mUI (mobileUI) is a plain-text mobile version of the WebUI with most of the important µTorrent functions. You can start, pause, stop and monitor your downloads, and it also offers some additional info about every Torrent and a couple of settings. µTorrent mUI is a web app which will allow users to turn their iPhone or any other mobile phone supporting GPRS and a web-browser into a remote control for the best Windows Torrent client µTorrent.

* mUI requires a mobile with internet access and µTorrent with WebUI enabled.

Fixing Scratched CD's And DVD's

Data corruption on optical media is a common problem due to physical damage to the media like scratches, surprisingly data can still be recovered from non-readable scratched sectors on CD and DVD's using the following method.

A CD/DVD reader uses a laser beam to read the data on the disk. This laser beam crosses the protective plastic layer and reads the real recording metal layer. If the protective plastic layer is scratched, the laser will be unable to pass resulting in non-readable disc.

Acronis True Image - HDD Cloning Software for FREE

Acronis True Image Or Seagate DiscWizard

Acronis True image is a popular hard-drive cloning/backup software with a high price tag, however you can get a re-branded version of True Image with the name DiscWizard as a free legal download from the Seagate website.

Try This - How smart is your right foot

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

Trust me try this, its for real and takes only few seconds.

This is so amazing that it will boggle your mind, And, you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you can't!!!

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Shaped Computer Mouse

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