If you use an Symbian S60 3rd edition based mobile phone (Nokia N-Series phones like N73, N95, N80, N91, N80 and E-Series phones use Symbian S60v3 as OS) you must have encountered the very common certificate errors like 'Certificate Expired' or 'Certificate Error. Contact Application Supplier' while installing themes or softwares on your phone.

The errors are caused because of the security measures introduced into the new version of Symbian Series 60 mobile operating system disallowing installation of old applications and invalid certificates, however bypassing this security feature and fixing these certificate errors to install themes and softwares is very easy, simply follow the instructions below:
- Open you mobile main Menu.
- Navigate to Settings -> General -> Date and time
- Now change the year back one year.
- Now install the application.
- Don't forget to change date back to original.

If the above does not solve the problem goto Application Manager > Options > Settings and set "Online Certificate check" = Off and Software Installation = All.
UPDATE: If you own an older phone you might receive the following error:
"Installation security error. Unable to install"
To solve this error and install application/Theme navigate to Tools -> Options -> Setting -> Software Installation and change setting to On.
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I stopped getting the certification expired error
I tried both steps on E71 and still getting certificate error.
Hi! Those steps used to work on my Nokia E71. Unfortunately I recently had some problems with my phone and had Nokia reformat it and upgrade the OS. After that, I can only install a few hacks. On some programs, I continue to get the same certificate error message. Can you recommend anything else?
Please help.
My nokia 6680
Pls help me my phone nokia 6680 doesn't say this 1.My problem is that my phone begins installing but unfortunately it will not say installation completed so pls help
Unsolved problem with Nokia S60v3 Certificate Error
I used to solve this problem on my Nokia E5 from about 2 years ago as follow: (I guessed it might work and trick the phone; and it Worked!!!): Turn the Date for 2,3 or 4 years Back instead of 1. It usually works by setting the date to 2011 or 2010 for me. I hope this would work for you and others who still have the problem too.
worked for me too nokia e72
worked for me too an excellent job. Skype wouldn't download until I tried your trick. I just changed the date one year back. I've been trying for the last two weeks. Finally got the solution. it fixed the certificate error. Thanks a million
certificate erorr
i can not solve my problem with this two way. E72 don't work this way.what i do?
it's the same with me, I
it's the same with me, I tried the trick by changing the phones date to one year back for skype in Nokia E63 and it worked.
i tried to follow the tips
i tried to follow the tips but nothing is happened better for me
2nd option given worked!
I tried doing the second option mentioned above and it worked. Thanks a lot. I was desperately trying to install a reader and couldn't until today.
great !!!
thanks a lot man...cool way to fool the system :)
did not work!
i am using a nokia n76 fone user. and it DID NOT work. still getting the same answer. certiicate error. please help. tried the 2 options already.
Its not working in my Nokia E66
i been try many times to do all the step into my new phone - Nokia E66, but it's not working , i'm still getting the errors ...... Why ?
Anybody could help, pls send cooments to: met_pherson@yahoo.com
Thanks !
the same for me on nokia
the same for me on nokia n95: both solutions don't work, do you have any clue?
please tell me more at superjamie972@hotmail.com, thanks
the same for me in nokia e63.
the same for me in nokia e63..any idea? ceetee_a@yahoo.com im so desperate to install my software..
Same for me
Hey I got same problem and still have solution .....I tried all option... did u solve the problem...if u did then please let me know on talktoronak@yahoo.co.in....
im using my n81 but it doesnt work :( stilll prompting
turn online certificate check on
im using a nokia 5320 xpress music, tried two options and it still didn't work. pls help.
just want to ask f you solved this prob already? have the same problem and the insructions stll doesnt work for my cp..
update your qt as new.
update your qt as new.
same error in n80
i have done everything but couldn't solved. I have also singed up to symbiansign.com but couldn't pass through they require pub .I.d if want to sign for free then we will have submit them 1 application(sis file) at a time to sign them by themself.Any ideas for my n80.to fix the error.Reply on tariquesaleem7868@gmail.com
problem not solved
Oh please help me.
It didn't work on my phone(nokia 5320)
I've tried both options and still get the same: "Certificate Error"
Please help me.
Email me if you know the solution to my problem.
Thank you very much
my problem in my n6120 classic is certificate error. but when i read your column and follow the 2nd steps.....
it's GREAT...it's really works! i can download themes anytime!........god bless and continue your great great job
not working :(
i still get the certificate error and iv tried the two steps given im using a samsung I8510 (INOV8)
can someone help me???
still not working
i still geting certificate error and i hv tried more times whenever i m installing Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0.sisx this software it showing the error so plz help me out plz plz mail me the solution in my mail id.
hey guy
i have got the ans for your error.
change the year in your phone.go backward year by year.and try it.
please help..
still dont work for my n95... please email me. your answer... fritz_cruz06@yahoo.com.... thank you very much...
my phone is n95 , firmware 31.01.017 ..... i did the two method..but still. it doesnt install the core player
Thanaks a lot . it really
Thanaks a lot . it really worked
Certificate Error in Nokia E61i
how was this resolved
Thaknhs a lot
not working
it not working.i can`t install some themes,help me.
fuck all!!!!!
hi guys i hav same problem for all E-serious bcoz they are updated os u can try trail ver....
not working!
hi i own a nokia n96 - 3 and i have tried both your suggestions. if i get the warning 'expired certificate' turning the date back fixes this problem... But when i get the error 'certificate error contact application supplier' nothing seems to work to fix this! If you can help pls email me at: theJasonator@live.com.au
in n73 i have tried both
in n73 i have tried both steps,nothing works,the first one was applicable in some apps.but on f many applications both of them failed.any suggestions??reply me at-rishavgaddar@gmail.com
n 73 certificate error
n 73 certificate error
i have n73 ver 4.0812.4.2.1
plese help me
thank you
not working...still need some help..
to admin...
nokia e63 user...got probs with installing some symbian application like certificate error. can i have someone who has an idea bout this probs..pls help me fix it...
Very bad
I hv tried evrything. Even hacked my phone. Bt there r still some apps which dont instal. F u find it, my email is rashidwarrior99@hotmail.com
not working these two methods
still having that problem in n91,N73......
the error is the same ,i have tried many time...but it didn't work.....plzzz,Find some solution men......
Not Working !!!
Its all crap... just wasting your time... coz I have observed it works on some, on some it does not and once posted then NO one even seems to bother answering back to people who are still facing the problems... every where I have visited I see some enthusiast who starts the thread with a temporary zest and then all you find at end is a bunch of helpless people with their different mobile models asking the same crappy question and no one is then even bothered to sort it for them. Its a waste of time guys.....for me... even if I have install all and online check for certificates off.... it still gives the same f*@c*!^g error... when the Nokia N73 should not even bother checking for certificate. As the add says... Nokia has no brains....every model they have something or other lacking or missing. Better go for some chinese remakes... at least they use their brains.
thanz a lot. but i m not sure why this trick isnt workiing for some software. although its workiing many times. thanx again
not working on all sets
its not working on all sets. like mine one, E90.
But why not all symbian applications are self signed?
its not a big deal as i researched. Anyways still lookin for a workaround for E90.
Installation security error.Unable to install
i can't install softwares with a file extension name of .sis. i'm using a nokia 6680 model what would i do???
Not Working
I tried both ways. but it is still giving error on my nokia n97. anyboby could solve this problem for me. emeil me the solution on my mail address which is sajmon4u@yahoo.com
Thanks Heaps. Works
Thanks Heaps. Works Perfectly, great of you to put this here. THANKZZZ :]
yaar dey dont knw
yaar dey dont knw anythng...the above mentioned procedure z used to fix certificate expired error nly n not odr errors
its different
hey guyz! i think the options above is an option for those who have "expired certificate" problem, but in our case we have "certificate error". the option above doesnt solve that problem...
Cacamasi pe el de tel
Cacamasi pe el de tel
i try this a lot of time but
i try this a lot of time but i am still receiving certificate error on my nokia n73 plz help me in this regard.
Dont Work On Nokia 5230
I Have Tried All Of Them,But Not 1 Seems To Work,,
Reply Back
nokia 5230 expired
please with your good office help me to upgrade or renew my nokia 5230 or you can direct me to do so thank you
I made it in my NOKIA E66 ...... :)))))
I hv done that......in my E66
First go to.....
(according to my E66,just try it in ur's)
Hope it will successfully works in ur's too...
enjoy........ :)))
it works
THXXXXX it really helped me
Certificate Error
Thanks for such a valuable suggestion it really worked in my Nokia E62 thanks brother.
i've done it many times on my
i've done it many times on my nokia e66 but it doesnt work whao shud i do...please help...i cant install games and application...what is the other method i could use....??????????
it doesnt work in my E66......
i tried following your steps in E66. but not solved... any further idea? ammhakeem@gmail.com. i would be much thankful if any one can help me to over come tis problem.ammhakeem@gmail.com
It works, but...
It works on my E65 Nokia mobile. However, two reasons: 1. old applicaion 2. invalid certificate
If I want to get the certificate valid, what should I do?
no more nokia phones
first of all, the stupid "signed" system that all but freezes out small developers cause its expensive!
Then, even if you hack with Hello X, you still get expired certificate bullshit!
And regrettably, your method didn't fix mine, all I wanted to install was ZX Reader :P
Nokia is hard on the heels of Steve Jobs in control freakishness, but without the polish.
I will not buy either in the future. Nokia is dreaming if they think they can succeed by duplicating Apple's walled garden...err ghetto approach.
Android is going to smoke S60 and Maemo, even if Maemo turns out super polished and is as smooth as Apple's iOS.
Everybody I talk to is just sick of being controlled and foiled by corporate clowns at every step of the way, on devices they paid for with their money.
hey i still got certificate
hey i still got certificate error in my nokia n73.......plx help me......reply on my email id arsalanalibaig@hotmail.com
Not Working..!
Stil not working in my E71 phone....
please help me to solve it...
hey same as my nokia e63
i hate having nokia s60v3 unknown certificates problem..pls help me am desperate for installing my application..it took me a lot of money and effort just for finding some solutions i need some help regarding that error..here's my email mossim0_11@yahoo.com
Hi! This solves the issue on my E63
Please go to Menu>Tools>settings>date and Time> change the time 1 year back.
This will solve the issue. So you can now start updating the software of your phone.
still not working.
i have nokia 5230. i have tried both changing dates and application manager way but still not working. once i clicked the icon and and it allow me to install, but after installation shown complete, the phone stated that "certificate errror and contact application supplier". the ovi suite from the pc showed that "installation failed. due to an unknown error installation failed. Error code:2152775105". it happened to all type of other application i have download. can you guy please help me out here?
Software Installation = All
Thank you :)
"Software Installation = All"
u know its work!! if says
u know its work!! if says certificate error din still reduce the year until u'll find the exact year. don be afraid of reducing the year on ur cp u can back it on later after installing... if still the error is persist you can search the software so called SECMAN mobile edition install it on ur phone. after that, open the SECMAN press option & "turn flat. security Off" to ON & "INSTALL ROOT CERTIFICATE" only once.. hope this can help.. but remember always make ONLINE CERT=OFF & SOFT installation= ALL & reduce the year...
Certificate error!
Hi all, if you get a certificate error, contact application vendor message, most likely none of the above would work. Because, symbbian insists that your application should be signed and you get the above error most likely because the app is not signed. You either need to get it signed by yourself (a painful process) or hunt for a singed version somewhere.
symbian signing
its an old solution.....only 1% of working chance.......for s60v5 phones its not well...
certificate eror
my nokia n73 rsa data securty certificate was expired plese help
it didn't worked
it didn't worked
worked like a charm!
e 63 expired certificate error
to admin...
nokia e63 user...got probs with installing some symbian application like expired certificate error. pls help me fix it
i love you, you are the best tutor!!
Same old crappy issue
Not working on N73,tried both ideas... guess I'll just have to wait until I get a new phone
same problem
i got nokia n97 and i got the same problem on my phone i have try sing4ever but the same problem can someone send me the solution, i need help.
nokia n96
i got nokia n96 and when i do install software's or themes it gives the expired certificate error .... both of the two options are done but no benefit.. still getting the same error.......... plz help me...
Certificate error. Contact
Certificate error. Contact the application supplier.
Hint: You may have tried installing unsigned application. Note that signing is mandatory S60 3rd Edition. You can use self-signed certificate or developer certificate from Symbian Signed to sign your application.
It worked!!! Thank you :)
It worked!!! Thank you :)
RSA data security expired error
my nokia n73 rsa data security certificate was expired please help
certiffication error in E63 nokia set
when installing soft i am getting certification error and not valid ,
pls help me
Thanks mate.,it works!.
Thanks mate.,it works!.
i tried both ways on Nokia e66, but i didn't help!
the same problem is found in
the same problem is found in application by nokia also.i tried to install qt-mobility-symbian-1.1.0-symbian3-nokia-signed.sis.but it shows certificate error any one can help me?
Certificate error in 5320
Oh please help me.
It didn't work on my phone(nokia 5320)
I've tried both options and still get the same: "Certificate Error"
Please help me.
Email me if you know the solution to my problem.please help me :(
hy, did u find de answer for
hy, did u find de answer for da certificate error? plz help me to fix dat. ;(
cool trick dude helped a lot
Date trick worked
Thank you very much for that, i was trying to install symtorrent on my nokia N96, and getting certificate expired error. the certificate was the release date which was 8 October 2007, so i set my phone date as 8 December 2007 and it installed.
don't work
i have nokia x6 ..
i have tried both of these but i didn't help
"Certificate Error. Contact Application Supplier" still appear !!
certificate error solution
please help me. I am continuously getting certificate error, certificate no valid on my nokia e65 please help me ,,i will be grateful to u for this.
How to sign an unsigned app
Requirement :
Genialsis pc application download it by searching on google.
1.Go to www.shoujizu.net/en
2.Register there
3.Now click on certificate on the top of page or go to http://www.shoujizu.net/en/cer.php
4.click on apply certificate
5.Give your mobile's imei number there {you can find your imei by dialing *#06# from your mobile}
6.Wait for a day.
7.Now go to http://www.shoujizu.net/en/cer.php and click on my certificate
8.You will get your .cer and .key file if you want your file permanent you have to donate $ or if you want for free wait 4 to 7 days.
9. I know you will go for free.
10.So after 4-7 days go again to http://www.shoujizu.net/en/cer.php and click on my certificate
11.Click on .cer and .key file and it will be downloaded.
12.Now open genialsis pc application which you had downloaded before.
13.If you get this app in chinese language then click on last box {help} then here at bottom you can select language english
14.Now go to box {import}
15.Put her your cer and key file which you had downloaded.
16.Then click on import
17.Now go to box {Sign SIS/SISX}
18.Now select profile it may be your imei no. or importxxxx, select it then click on open select your unsigned file then click on {Sign!}
19.Wait few seconds your will be signed it will go to GenialSis folder or to the destination where your unsigned app is.
20.This a Step by Step process and easiest way to sign your app guaranteed.Enjoy!
hai Mohammad i registered in the site which u mentioned above one week before, still it's showing status "being produced"...
not only above site, i registered in many sites, no response from any of the site..
simply waste of time, all this sites are crap....
please, please dnt waste your time, browsing them, registering, re-posting them
DOnt download
Dont even do this. This way your IMEI is allocated duplicate mobile and your mobile phone is hacked.
certificate error
nokia x6 certificate error
i have x6 ver 32.0.002
plese help me
thank you
Hi,my 2690 nokia phone has
Hi,my 2690 nokia phone has deleted some certificate lists.So it doesnot works or cannot download any video file and application.plz.plz.help me.
Love your symbion device here after.Sorry for this lateral entry. Best solution for certificate error expired date unable to install protected application from a untrusted supplier application access not granted .........etc.all in one solution. works on all symbion devices. No need of pc.simple pollution.if you believe just mail me i send this trick back to you with required(3) files in zip folder and steps. no need of imei this not depends on imei. just turn off platform security manager. No need to sign every application.
My mail id: n.vasu94@gmail.com
dude plz mail me the three
dude plz mail me the three files...
requesting your help
i alwys receive certificate error cantact the application supplier or un able to install the applicatio. I use nokia E61i
thank bross
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
Mail me the tricks
it real work., thanks a lot
it real work., thanks a lot and God bless ya... !
thanks a lot..!
thanks a lot..!
thanks!!!!it worked on my X6!!
its does not work
i tried 4 times but it does not work
it dosent work
please anyone can help me about the errors i have tried the whole prosecutor but it dont seem to work it is comming "certificate error contact the application supplier " please help i will be very thankful to you....
Finally it worked for my for nokia x6
After a long struggle, it installed AlternateReaderS94108.sisx on my nokia x6.
- restored the phone setting to factory settings
- switched off the phone
- removed & reinserted sim (so that it asks for date & time on restarting phone)
- entered the date to 1/8/2010 after restarting phone
- time 9:00 am (whatever it was default, didn't change it)
- then ran the installer from File manager
This trick worked for me
Hi all and thanks a lot MARS, your solution worked for me after trying almost everything I've found on the internet. Try this, everyone!
hi everyone!
i am very worried because i did a hard reset on my nokia 5320 xpress music!
the reset was done and i lost all the apps and when i tried to install some more apps like
ovi suit,nimbuzz,fring the process starts it comes upto (phone memory, memory card)after that when i choose anyone of them to install a message appears unable to install!
please help me ~ i am in dar es salaam and there is no NOKIA CARE !! OR SOFTWARE REPAIR SHOP !!
hi everyone! i am very
hi everyone!
i am very worried because i did a hard reset on my nokia 5320 xpress music!
the reset was done and i lost all the apps and when i tried to install some more apps like
ovi suit,nimbuzz,fring the process starts it comes upto (phone memory, memory card)after that when i choose anyone of them to install a message appears unable to install!
please help me ~ i am in dar es salaam and there is no NOKIA CARE !! OR SOFTWARE REPAIR SHOP !!
nokia always sucked they are
nokia always sucked they are too slow and have freakin sloooooow internet connection i have n8 and iphone 3 and n8 is just shit compared to iphone. Also if u jailbreak the iphone u should download app installus where all appstore apps cost 0 $ !!!
link for sloving problem
working on many programs, but for me c6-00 & smartmovie does not work.
try can not hurt
Nokia n73
I have problem software downloading
Certificate error fixed for S60 V3 nokia phones
My site is http://p.mobile9.com/
Most simple method to hack your s60
v3 nokia phone uploaded in my
profile. Its better than Helloox, Hello
Carbide, Drakkious Method. No need leave phone for hours just 3min
needed. It uses Dr Web and Rom
Patcher 3.1to hack ur phone. Since
OPDA have stopped giving .key & .cert
files only way to sign all Symbian
Applications is to hack ur phone . If you have not hacked your phone
pls check it too...
Tested on N73
1. Connect phone with PC, or memory
card to cardreader, or memory card to other non-nokia device (need access
to private folder)
2. From QuarantineDriversLDD.zip
extract folder 20024113 to folder
name 'Private' in memory card.
(QuarantineDriversLDD.zip/ Private/20024113)
3. install DrWeb6 for symbian in
Memory Card
4. Launch DrWeb. 5. Go to Options -
6. Go Options - Select all 7. Go Opions - Restore
8. install RomPacther+ 3.1 Lite in
Phone Memory
9. Launch RomPatcher+ and apply
Open4all patch -. Now you have
access to write in all system folders 10 installserver.exe move to phone
memory c/sys/bin don't move in
memorycard (installserver needs for
installing all applications without any
certificate restrictions) now your
phone is hacked enjoy dear **5CÈLL**
Certificate error
Thank u very mu i tried this settings and it work thanks alot..................
thanks for the first tip.
Thats.. It worked superb.. :)
Not Works
I did all the instructions on my Nokia E72 but not successfull
certificate installition
This trick Does Not work in nokia E63
does not work
hey, im using nokia 5800. when to install software and others, it always shows certificate expired. i have try the two way but is does not work . please help me !
thanks you .
I solved my problem of
I solved my problem of "failed to install" from OVI on my E71 by doing the below steps.
solve the problem goto Application Manager > Options > Settings and set "Online Certificate check" = Off and Software Installation = All.
Read more: http://www.megaleecher.net/Fix_Certificate_Errors#ixzz1uxsdt2V2
guyz, plz help me to install
guyz, plz help me to install helloOX2 to my 5320 XpressMusic without certificate error. those steps are not working ;(
Security error
i am using nokia 6680, when i uinsall any software it says, "Unable to install, Security Error".
I applied your two methods, but it didn't work.
As you said try third option, there is no "Software Installation" named option in the settings. Please guide me about this...
the themes i install on my nokia E63 is not displaying
how will i fix it?
E63 : Certifcate Error..!!
doesn't work.. its shitty.. tryina install iON Battery Timer..doesn't let me install an update for the license key.. that changing of software installation to ALL and online certificate to OFF also doesn't work..
Working Cool
Working very well fo me... Thanks.
nokia e66 Certificate Error. Contact the application supplier
i read this and do this and my mobile fine working games themes and other app is succful installed
I have problem in instaling and operating programes like facebook,nimbuz and ebuddy etc.
I use nokia 2690.
I was using old sofwar, evry thing was ok.but now when i have instaled new softwar for my mobile 2690, it cleared loadng prblom but now when i wanted to use the above programes ,its appear problem tha 'no valid certificate or certificate is not om phon or sim.
Plz solve my problm.
expired certificate error
Its Working dude.........
Big Thanks.....................
Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! brother
Tan Q
Wowwwwwwwwwwwww Itz worked Thankssssssssssssssssssssss
certificate error contact the application supplier plese help me my mobile nokia n73
Wow.. Gr8 Thank You. Very
Wow.. Gr8 Thank You. Very much dear...
Wow.. Gr8 Thank You.
Wow.. Gr8 Thank You.
thank you so much.. worked on
thank you so much.. worked on my Nokia E63:)
Thanks - and I have a suggestion
At first setting time back didn't work, but after I took the battery and restarted the phone it was OK
thax a lot i appritiate it
thax a lot i appritiate it worked a lot
if ur mobile shows expired
if ur mobile shows expired certificate while installing apps change ur mobile date (two or three yrs) from present date
Totally works tho
Totally works tho
certifecat eror
nokia c5-03 instalation eror (certifecat eror cantact aplication suplier) hal bata day
Hi it works for my Nokia
Hi it works for my Nokia 6120C
certificate error
certificate error!! tried changing the date but still not working.. the phone i use is samsung monte. please help.. am trying to install whatsapp.jar
i got installed
tq dear admin i got it & tx again for help i can installed.
certificate error
I have a NOKIA N95 mobile phone with s60 3rd edition symbian operating system, I have an certificate error exactly in this way: "certificate error, contact the application supplier" when I try to install a dictionary software "asgatech unidic v2.00".
I have changed my phone date into past years and set "online certificate check = off" and "software installation = all" but it has exactly the same error when i try to install the dictionary again!
please help me and answer as fast as you can!
Save all your files onto a
Save all your files onto a memory card, I mean all files, downloaded applications and reformat phone ie, restore factory settings. Then reinstall your dictionaries etc. You may lose non-factory settings etc. Remove simm card and mem card before formatting, just in case.
mxit help
thanks you are clever
Certificate Error in Nokia N95
I've tried changing the date. I've also tried turning off Check for certificate in application manager. I've tried many things. I can't install a single software from websites like getjar, mobango etc. I've even tried from nokia ovi store but the same certificate error/out of date/invalid etc. keeps coming.
Need emergency help
Someone please if you can
Thanks & Regards
Nokia E71x
I don't have 'software installation' in my setting... How Do i install an application without it?
sir my handset is nokia e71 i use all of your tips but nothing is else and its write expired cerificate if any one core player is instaalled then itsrequired serial number pls help me my email id is jamiluddinansari581@gmail.com
not working in my n73. Any
not working in my n73. Any expert is there? Then pls mail me jbgjerin@gmail.com
nokia n73 certificate error
i follow ur suggesion of certificate error ..like date change,online certi. Check off but its not working...i facing same problem again and again...pls give me more suggesion about it....pls contact me on nileshkumavat7@gmail.com
Unknown Server Error during login
I follow the date change and it work. Now i am able to login to yahoo mail as usual and I would like to say Thank You Very Much.
The world is indeed wonderful to have a good and wise people like you teach and guide with generosity and humbleness. May god bless you with abundant of good merit.
i can't install on my nokia n8
anyone plz help i try everything changing dates,i even try to hack my n8,m still getting (certificate" error or i get " unable to install a protected application from a supplier that is not trusted") m clueless now
couldnot connect with network
i installed youtube mobile application 2.02(17) in symbian s60 3rd edition. But the apps when open it show "could not connet & problem with network connection" if my network connection is available & exactly work in other apps. Please help me?
solutions here, i will answer, i posted this in 2014 so contact
i was taking message like that, it was unable to install fring, but when i set date to 2013/1/15 it worked, so you must switch to all yers, after phone was released in 2007, try, if does not work mail me !!!!!!
Certificate error
Hey! I have Nokia 5530xm. M trying to install some themes I found on a website. The date given on the website is of June 7,2014. I have tried changing my phone date but it doesn't to work. Help please :(
thank you very much for your
thank you very much for your advice its really works
for thanx tip of certifate error
who post that ,,,realy i am fan ,
great sharing ,,,hurrrah
i came across this error a
i came across this error a long time ago and started to use another phone. something happened to that phone and i used the one with the error. it still had the error after a year, but one day it was gone. it suddenly stopped giving the error. but then it occured again and it still occurs. any ideas?
thanks for the info! was able
thanks for the info! was able to update my old school phone in this age of touch screen phones hehehe
erorr contact the application surp... during installation
can't install unsinged application on my n95 8gb phone
checking certificate vilidity
my mobile is 5800xm it shows checking certificate validity long time when iam going to install any application. It's so irritating me. I want solution for this please help me. Thank you
certificate expired
it not working on my nokia n73 plz help me
help! i followed the instructions above and it worked, but the problem is I can't sign in...
can't sign in
i installed the skype on my nokia e63 following the instructions given above but i can't in.. pls help me how to fix it..thnx
thank you sooooooo much..it
thank you sooooooo much..it works
Cant connect to the server
Pls held my problem is i install the game ws but the problem is cant connect to the server.. Pls help
N97 cant connect to anny online game specialy warspear online
Pls anny one solve my problem? I use n97 and i cant play anny online game specialy warsper online. I finesh to download. And sad to say cant connect to server i try manny time but stel not work allso to other online game. But if i use youtube,fb,internet,ovi. I connect easely. Hope can u solve my problem. Tnx..
thank u so much
thank u so much
Date to 2007
I had problems with PC suite and Nokia N72 and 6630. I just backdated time to year 2007 and i manage to install sertificate for nokia PC suite.
E5 Expired certificate
Thanks, very plenty. Fixed my "Expired Certificate". Well done!
Certificate error ny nokia
Certificate error ny nokia 503...
Pls help me..
Certificate error my Nokia 503...pls help me
authority certificate error when installing some apps on my E63
trying my best with does guideline posting there but is not working for my phone yet,pls anyother way?
to solve certificate error on nokia 5233
sir please solve my problem solve cirtificate error on nokia 5233 . i am not able to install even facebook.
not work
my nokia 5800xm phone not work thir method please help me.
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