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How To Send Flash SMS Messages Which Displays Directly On Recipients Screen Bypassing Inbox

Flash SMS messages or privileged Class '0' text-messages is a special type of message which appears directly onto phone's screen bypassing the usual 'Inbox' route, this type of messages are often used by mobile operators to display information on user screens grabbing immediate attention. The good thing is there are free software's availble to utilize this for all major mobile platforms like Symbian, Android and iPhone, today we will be reviewing one such free utility for Apple iPhone. Free Cydia app. "Flash SMS" as the name suggest allows iPhone users to send Flash SMS Text messages which displays directly onto receivers phone screen.

Demo Flash SMS

Not all operators support sending "Flash SMS" and cost for sending such messages can be higher than a normal SMS. "Flash SMS" for iPhone will display a confirmation message with costing you will incur before sending the message as demonstrated below.

"Flash SMS For iPhone" is available for download in Cydia via Big Boss repository.


The app sends your message to a special number, where the extra charge is given to them.

Its actually a easy and free thing todo if you know how.

Can we send the flash SMS from Samsung


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