Unlike Sony and Apple, Microsoft is actually encouraging (or having a soft spot) for jail-breaking their mobile-phone, impressed by Microsoft's approach with ChevronWP7 jailbreakers (they called them to Redmond and gifted them the T-Shirt shown below) jail-breaking star GeoHot posted "perhaps a more appropriate way to deal with jailbreakers, I’m going out to buy a Windows 7 phone" on his website which resulted in some rather interesting response from Windows Mobile 7 Dev Experience Team Director "Brandon Watson" who tweeted back offering a free phone to him to develop upon :
"#geohot if you want to build cool stuff on #wp7, send me email and the team will give you a phone - let dev creativity flourish #wp7dev"

great stuff wanna try it ........
Thank you very much for your post.
I would like to get one free because now I don't have phone..
I wish you will give me a try ..
Good luck,
The best phone
The best phone would come "pre-jailbreaked," or built with no such institution to begin with :) It would be open-source, and have development tools available for the device freely. There would be a portal of software online, created by everyone, free.
want that phone
hello i want that phone ..... if u can give ..
Keep up kiddo u rocks
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