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DownTango - Elegant, Simple and free download manager for Windows

A good multi-part download manager is the basic necessity for any PC user who downloads from internet, we have free utilities like Flashget Mini, Microsoft Download Manager, pyLoad and Tucan but new download manager DownTango is not only functional and efficient but also beautiful.

DownTango is a free download manager for Windows offering best features of existing download management utilities with an easy to use, beautiful interface and support for features like CAPTCHA and remote/web-based download job management.

Down Tango
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The utility seems to be under development as in my tests, the remote web-based control feature and CAPTCHA were not operational.

Download DownTango :


My browser has a download manager built-in, like pretty much every other browser under the sun now(except IE)... This is useless.

During my "dial-up" Internet days I considered download managers a Godsend. But now with my cable connection they seem like just another piece of bloat running in the background that I really don't need.

just disable it from plugins menu

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