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Apple iOS 5 Speech Recognition Concept

Apple recently acquired Nuance Tech, a company associated with speech recognition technology. Apple fans have now started conceptualizing how Apple might end up using this new technology on future iOS5 devices, concept video after the jump.

iOS 5 Speech

Al Gore's Our Choice Guided Tour : Awesome Video Demoing The Next Generation of Digital Books

A must watch video for every tech-lover, this is the future of our books. "Al Gore's Our Choice" is an interactive app for Apple iPad and iPhone, featuring America's vice president's narrative tour spiced-up with great photography, interactive graphics, animations, and more than an hour of engrossing documentary footage this is simply a great experience.

Our Choice Push Pop Press eBook

Thanks to the all new groundbreaking multi-touch interface of the device the app provides users with an immersive experience letting them enjoy the content seamlessly. Do check the video demonstration posted after the jump.

Ultrasn0w Updated To v 1.2.2 Supporting Unlock For iOS 4.3.2

iPhone Dev Team pushed out updated version of Ultrasn0w incrementing the version to 1.2.2 allowing software carrier unlock for iPhone 4, 3GS and 3G running iOS 4.3.2.

ultrasn0w carrier unlock version 1.2.2

DreamBoard: New Advanced Theming Platform For iOS Devices

Winterboard is the most popular theming base platform used by iOS theme creators, but does has limitations of it's own which does not allow users to create or use advanced features like gadgets and apps. A new advanced theming platform "DreamBoard" is now available to address that issue letting users take control of SpringBoard allowing them to place anything from widgets to apps where ever they want, offering an all new level of customization and advanced themeing capabilities without much efforts.

Dreamboard Themes

Dreamboard makes it easy to switch between any theme in just a few seconds. Simply launch, choose and apply! And, Dreamboard eliminates the long wait of having to restart Springboard everytime you make a change. No more resprings! Dreamboard includes a complementary copy of Android (HTC theme).

Apple iOS 4.3 Benchmark With Direct Firmware Download Links

Apple iOS 4.3 update is now available for download on Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With updates like AirPlay Enhancements, new Nitro JavaScript engine powered Safari for faster web-browsing, iTunes Home Sharing, Personal Hotspot for iPhone 4 and customization of iPad Side Switch this new release also features various other improvements and bug fixes as posted next.

iPad 2 is Here and Conan O’Brien Takes A Shot At Apple

If PC vs Mac info-graphic does not convince you yet, watch this video where Conan O’Brien takes a shot at Apple after iPad 2 release.

If you were hoping that Apple would get more humble with the release of the iPad 2... You are going to be sadly, sadly mistaken.

iPad 2

Apple iPad 2 Rumor Roundup

An special Apple event is scheduled at 10 a.m. Pacific on March 2 and rumors are that this could be the announcement of Apple's next generation tablet computer iPad 2.

As with any upcoming product release the rumor mill is once again hot as the event date comes close, and to sum things up here we have a complete round-up of all the rumored features the Apple iPad 2 might receive.

Apple iPad 2

Free iPhone Augmented Reality App Lets You Try Eye-wear The Smart Way

Augmented Reality is catching up and here is another great example of how virtual reality can work wonders for day-to-day jobs, free mobile augmented reality application "Atol les opticiens" for Apple iOS uses face-tracking technology to let users try new spectacle frames and see the results on-screen in virtual reality. Video demonstration with download link after the jump.

Practical Use Of Mobile Augmented Reality

TinyPwn IPSW Customization Utility For Windows, Mac And Linux Under Development

Developer of popular TinyUmbrella tool is working on a new utility allowing users to customize Apple iOS Firmware .IPSW files, according to the tweet by the developer the new utility TinyPwn will make is possible for users to make scriptable modification of the ipsw firmware files via a simple custom API on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Sn0wbreeze 2.2 RC3 Fixes Apple's iBooks Jailbreak Detection

Few days ago Apple started detecting jail-broken devices via iBooks denying access to books if found positive, to counter this sn0wbreeze v2.2R3 is now available for download patching the gap Apple used to detect sn0wbreeze jailbroken phones.

sn0wbreeze 2.2 RC3
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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