Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 15:27
In earlier iPhone 1.x days getting your iPhone jail-broken was damn easy and all you need to do was to point your safari web-browser to the jailbreaking page and you could enjoy an instant jailbreak, this type of jailbreak known as a "Userland Jailbreak" seems to be eminent for iPhone OS 3.1.3 as demonstrated by a new video released by user Comex as proof.

The new jailbreak will work on all iPod Touch and iPhone models (iPod Touch 1G, 2G, 3G and iPhone 1G, 2G, 3G, 3GS) untethered on iPhone firmware 3.1.3, since this jailbreak seems to work good on newer bootrom this could be the iPad Jail-breaking utility eager users are waiting for.
Jailbroken Apple iPhone OS 3.1.3 Video Proof
I dont want news - I want a link!
Can anyone tell when this tool will be available? LINKLINKLINK!
Jailbroken Apple iPhone OS
Jailbroken Apple iPhone OS 3.1.3 Video Proof
Isn't it an Ipod on the video?
yeah it's a 2G ipod touch i
yeah it's a 2G ipod touch i think
It's an ipod 3g, not 2g, 3g
It's an ipod 3g, not 2g, 3g is the only one with voice control***
VPN pptp iPod touch
VPN pptp iPod touch
The maker NEVER shows the firmware version he is on. He could be on 3.1.2 and probably is, jailbroken with blackra1n or redsn0w etc.
Therefore FAKE
It is an iPod touch 3G, if it
It is an iPod touch 3G, if it were jailbroken on 312 via blackrain it would be tethered which comex clearly showed it was not. The exploit has been found, it's just a waiting game until it is made public.
April fool?
Dont forget today is April 1st...
Dont forget today is April
Dont forget today is April 1st!!!
This is an ipod 3g, not 2g,
This is an ipod 3g, not 2g, 3g is the only one that has voice control. This news is also several days old, it wasn't released on April 1st therefore it's not an april fool's joke, please do a google search and you'll find this out for yourself. Geohot has also done the same thing shown in the video and the iphone devteam has confirmed both hackers hacking 3.1.3, you can also find this out for yourself by giving the iphone devteam's site a visit.
The warranty-voiding jailbreak process allows users to run software not approved by Apple, which has no plans to allow users to install third-party applications downloaded from outside its sanctioned App Store. Third-party companies created their owm custom applications from their online store and an alternative storefront known as Cydia.
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