Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 05:46
We have shared many tricks and tools to reveal hidden passwords behind masks, the simplest of them uses a small javascript bookmark to unearth the hidden password behind asterisk mask across any web-browser and platform supporting Javascript.
Apart from the illegitimate use of hacking someones else's saved password, unmasking hidden password's can be really useful in situations where users have forgotten there passwords saved in web-browser autofill settings. User's can now enjoy this functionality easily by installing the free, Google Chrome extension "Show Password on Focus" which as the name suggests unveils any password hidden behind bullet mask by simply clicking on that field.

Free Chrome Extension Let Users Reveal Hidden Passwords Behind B
thank you for this :)
Anything new in this?
Isn't this what's there in the setting/advanced settings/manage saved passwords have? Why to add something more to view what is already there?
Yes, there it is...
I would say, ease of use !!
Maybe, but with all the
Maybe, but with all the softwares bloating up, it will just slow up the system and google Chrome
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