RapidShare is the world leader in one-click file hosting arena, despite being the most popular file-sharing service rapidshare.com lacks file search feature, the only reason I can assume they lack this feature is to avoid searching of copyrighted files by their legal owners getting illegally distributed by this pirate friendly file-hosting service. Nevertheless, their exist many services which allow you to search files hosted on rapidshare.com and other major file-sharing services like Megaupload.com, these free file search engines can be used to search for links of software, movies, music and ebooks hosted on rapidshare and similar services.
We have also created free OpenSearch & Google Toolbar plugins for searching rapidshare files from Firefox and IE7 search box, Just click on the plugin links below to get easy access to file-search:
Rapidshare File Search Plugin For Firefox & IE7 >>
Rapidshare File Search Google Toolbar Button For Firefox & IE7 >>
Read More for a list of Top 10 Rapidshare Search Engines...
Their exist numerous services but here are the selected few top 10 services:
- Filez.com: Rapidshare Search - Note: Search Results Contains Adult Ads
- Rapidshare-Search-Engine.com
- Rapidshare1.com
- Rapidsharelink.com
- RapidFox.Com
- FilesTube.com
- Filesbot.com
- Hellafiles.com
- Searchshared.com - Supports almost all major one click file-hosters
- Oneclickfiles.com
no commet
no commet
I think you missed the most importent
I find this one to be realy
I find this one to be realy good www.searchrapidshare.com
Rapid Search Engine
my favorite rapidshare search engines is YourFilesTube.com, because it's included music & pdf files
The fastest, No Logs!
I think this one is just awesome! No logs and freaking fast!
There are many other Search Engines for File Sharing Sites
There are many other Search Engines for File Sharing Sites : Rapidshare Search, Megaupload and More.
I agree with the statement
I agree with the statement that there are many File Sharing Sites and have plenty to choose from. I take it very useful search engine is Usemeplz and allows you to search for Rapidshare and other popular file hosting.
i like it thanks for sharing
i like it thanks for sharing this valuable information here :)
call to mobile from computer
please ans me in my id:sahiltharani11@yahoo.com
nice list but some of them do not exist any more. me I tried www.uploaded-to.net and it works nice ;) (not only for uploaded but also bitshare, turobit, dvixstage, movashare, nowvideo......)
good job
good job
i suggest
i suggest www.rapidfilesearch.com ! It's best!
Great Post
I might suggest checking out
I might suggest checking out sharedigger.com, shareminer.com, and filez.com. These search engines are also free and good for megashares and megaupload searches with the correct search parameters.
Rapidshare search engines
That's a good list and I use a couple of them myself, already. I might suggest checking out sharedigger.com, shareminer.com, and filez.com. These search engines are also free and good for megashares and megaupload searches with the correct search parameters.
Rapidshare files search
My favorite rapidshare search engine is rsfind.com it's the most powerful and easy to use.
Share4vn is better
I using http://www.share4vn.com to Rapid Search. Because it's included torrent & over 10 hosting search
123rapidshare.com is the best i have seen
i found this and think its fab it seems to have a very big database www.123rapidshare.com
Please review
Please review RapidZilla.net, Simple and fast, I never use anything else.
One of the best
www.avun.com is gives really good results which are alive
new site for Rapidshare
I have found two interesting sources and would like to give the benefit of my experience to you.
I am tuning my pc by the best software for free, with the file search engine Fileshunt.com and Filesfinds.com May be you have your own experience and could give some useful sites too. Because this two social sites help me much.
www.rapidshare.com is another one rapidshare search engine.
Great index of search engines here.
Before you can use them you'll need a Rapidshare premium account of course.
rapidshare search engine
i suggest www.winamp7.com for mp3 albums. Great site!
I suggest www.rapidshare.com
Invitation code
Please send me invitation code so that i can create account.
Send me an invitation code too!
invitation code
Can you please also forward to me the invitation code to: raven474@hotmail.com
i tried this rapidshare search engine: it's not bad at all :)
miss a thing
i think totme.com is the best rapidshare search engine.. Because, it dont use google for searching (Better Usefull Results).. also no dead link and password problems.. no membership etc..
You forgot about www.rapidlibary.com
My favourite filez search engine: SearchFiles.de. This site find everything... unbelievable!
I found www.rapidcorner.com
Hello, just want to added one rapishare search engine I've found that is www.rapidcorner.com
Hello,anyone have rapid share premium account???Please share with me.I am very thankful to you.
my email is
great sharing, I have found a newest that has more complete servers to be explored sucah as: RapidShare, MegaUpload, MegaShares, Badongo, FileFront & SaveFile. http://www.onestopfilesearching.com
Rapidshare Search Engine
OOPAR.com is a search engine for rapidshare.com other files.
Please reply
Give some other links please.
The Best Rapidshare Search Engine
Man all you fellas r livin
Man all you fellas r livin in the stone age..All these serach engines are shit! Try www.share4vn.com. It has the biggest database and has a wide search. It not only scans rapidshare but also sites that have rapidshare links on em. This way it doesnt only look for matches in links but also on threads on various sites:
I hope I knocked some sense into you file sharing noobs. Im gna go take a dump now.Bye
yey. salut bruv ;)
yey. salut bruv ;)
100,000 Rapidshare files are added daily!!!!!!
KvAz.com adds over 100,000 Rapidshare files daily! Super spider technology uses the MULTILANGUAGE search: you may search English, French, Spanish, German, Danish and Italian Rapidshare files.
By August, 14 we have over 2,750,000 Rapidshare files indexed and in 2 months we plan to index over 12,000,000 files! Do you imagine this? :)
been there, tried it: no good
Sorry to say so, but this engine only finds crap, plus forget about the multilanguage support. http://rapidsearch.infobind.com/ does a far better job, also searches megaupload and lots of other file hosts. Happy hunting!
New files and dead links pruned every hour - NOT GOOGLE ADWORD POWERED like most of the RS search sites!
free primium account
i want repid share free primium account for one month unlimited
KvAz.com - growing Rapidshare search leader.
KvAz.com - over 4,500,000 Rapidshare links. 80,000 new links are added daily.
As cool as real.
Give it a miss
It's a stinker.
Free Search
Here is the best SE for shared files: hardcorefreeworld.com
Here's one with less screen clutter and a short name :P
I want to reccomend new rapidshare serach engine (with polish uploads): http://RapidSearch.eu
Great List.
Saves me lots of time looking for files I want to download. I also came across this Rapidshare Search Engine called Rapidsharebot.com, works pretty good.
http://NetBarge.com is the best by far,
as far as im aware it has the largest database/
and you can choose to only search verified working links.
love it
Site is gone!
Site is gone!
Nice list. I use
Nice list. I use RapidLibrary and http://jqd.org/
Kvaz.com has over 6,100,000 Rapidshare links. #2 in the world.
It seems that kvaz.com becomes #2 Rapidshare search engine in the world with over 6,100,000 Rapidshare links. Therefore kvaz.com will be an absolute leader in 1-2 months.
jqd.org is an usual Google custom search :)))
http://jqd.org/ is just another google clon - it uses Google custom sear ch - nothing original..
There is another one: www.filecrop.com
Fast Search. You can see file size too.
A better search
I suggest using this one as it's bigger, faster + got a toolbar for your browser for free.
take a look: Rapidshare search
good search engine
try http://search-rapidshare-files.net/ very good one
best one
http://crawlrapidshare.com/ has a new technology , I believe it is the best
KVAZ.com really wins.
http://www.kvaz.com shows an outstanding Rapidshare links database capability.
Over 7,000,000 links are indexed.
helllo....can u help me
i need white smoke...a speeling and grammer checking software of english....can anyone can gimme link in simple terms ...i shall be oblidged...regards
How I do it
AOL.com is a free internet browser that has those features when you write a note. Often, when I respond like this, I will compose it on an AOL "write" field. Get it like I want it and copy / paste into the form field for my comment. You do not have to be logged onto AOL for it to work. Other than that, "msword" from Microsoft is a typical solution.
I recomend www.fileshareanonymoushaven.net !
the best rapidshare and megaupload search enigne
ermm....for games search?
which one good for games search?
looking for naniwa videos files.....
hi guys.... any suggestion?
another one - 2seek.ru
try this
all the links posted above are here in one...
or try googling e.g, "FILENAME+site:megaupload.com"
try on your own and decide which is better
I did try some
Some links are already dead or are now parked domains with ads.
I usually use shufs.com switching between the "sites" and "links to sites" radio button option.
But sometimes I just use google with the site: or inurl: parameters
i know use
i know use http://fileonfire.com
its new and i think its better than all of the others
Another Rapidshare Search Engine
Hello to all:
Here is another good rapidshare search engine.
Rapidshare Hub
Best RapidShare Search
huge database, no spam
New Rapidshare Search Engine
New Rapidshare Search Engine with a lot of Rapidshare.com links:
I tryed it, it's really
I tryed it, it's really nice, usful. give you the information of the file and it's source.
Try this one
Very useful files search
Very useful files search engine. http://Indexoffiles.com is a search engine designed to search files in various file sharing and uploading sites.
good for new files
http://rapidlinkfind.com is good for new files searching on rapidshare.com
Sugestion - WebDib
I use this site all time and nearly always find what I want.
http://hostedfilesearch.com is the best by far,
Huge database, always growing, can search only verified links.
found this some weeks ago and using it pretty much all the time!
fast and neat - shows rapidshare.com links and checks them for availability.
even associated it with my FireFox website search!
Try http://www.searchfilehosts.com/
It's the best!
good job cobro
good job
Very useful files search engine. http://myrapida.com is a search engine designed to search files in various file sharing and uploading sites.
rapidshare account
Is There any body know about the rapidshare free account or megashare free account
and hacking software is there plz help ;
Shmoogle.co.cc is good!
Try this search engine too: http://rapidshare-detective.info
Rifas project
Try new service with unique search algorimt to locate rapidshare.com/megaupload files on the internet - http://rifasproject.org . Based on internal library and real time internet search. Part of project is desktop rifas client and Rifas Remote Checker, capable of checking links on remote sites.
Not the first but the latest one
Rapidshare Search Engine ? Megaupload Rapidshare DvD download only at www.megarapidsearch.com
SearchFiles.Us - The Ultimate File Search Engine....
The Best i have yet found is SearchFiles.Us as it is AD-FREE ..and ....Enormously FAST !
rapidshare search engine
http://rapid4me.com - is new rapidshare search engine. Rapid4me.com works effective and quick
download using frostwire is
download using frostwire is the easiest and fastest!!!
Using thisRapidshare Search Engine, you could search also web directory which is direct download
Try http://ineedfile.com to look for rapidshare files. I using it regularly and allways satisfied with the results
It's redesigned now and looks much more beter. More than 7 000 000 files in their database.
They offer search toolbars for FF and IE. They also offer search bar for your site.Enjoy.
Great search engine - No adverts
check this out http://searchrapidshare.eu
Greay search engine with no pop us or adverts
Faadi.com Search Engine
I am using Faadi.com search engine for my Website search, videos, youtube video downloads, file search, blog search on daily basis. and it satisfy me. i recommended to all for this search engine http://www.Faadi.com
more options
http://www.release-search.com/ is a pretty new and very good one with a big index and much search options
new one
Nice List , Thank you.
But The Best I found is http://www.crawlrapidshare.com
it searches the net in real time.
I suggest you to add this to your list ;)
Search Engine
Nice List , Thank you.
But The Best I found is http://lastrapidshare.com/
New Rapid Hunter
New Rapid Hunter is one of the best Rapidshare search engines.
Free Rapidshare search engine
Hey Guys. I found the best one. Its free of Ads and no signup or something. Also it does not filter adult content. Moreever it has links to the most downloaded content on its homepage.
Enjoy here
Web File Searcher
torrent, FTP, rapidshare.com depositfiles.com uploaded.to 4shared.com mediafire.com megaupload.com sendspace.com
Rapidshare search engine
But The Best I found is rapidsharetube.com
it searches the net in real time.
I suggest you to add this to your list
More than 2 000 000 files indexed.
Meta rapidshare search
Meta search most popular shares rapidshare, megaupload, netload and more http://5fox.org
Great Rapidshare Search Engine
check this great site, over 4 million links Rapidshare Search Engine
Hi ~!~ Try This Rapidshare Search Engine....It Rocks :)
http://www.rapidpirates.com/ ..... Try it... Its a new good and awesome search engine of RapidShare
I am using http://search.allhyper.com/
free premium rapidshare downloader
hi all,
do anybody is having Premium rapidshare downloader for free download. thanks a lot in advance.
plz send me link or mail me on vikassnaik@rediffmail.com
The Best File Search Engine : Seekmefile.com
Don't limit yourself with rapidshare only. Search files on many file sharing websites and also on Youtube.
Try and see the difference : seekmefile.com
Detailed information : seekmefile.blogspot.com
I found that rapidravage is one of the better search engines for finding rapidshare links its not spammy like the others http://www.rapidravage.com
Rapid Library
Has RARE ish!
What Software for search engine Rapidshare Link Without Browsing...???
PLease tel me....
What Software for search engine Rapidshare Link Without Browsing...???
PLease tel me....
search engine
I use filecrop & katz
Try rapidshare search fileknow.com
very nice.
Best File Search Engine
Nice work! Thanks
Did you know you can easily search thru all filesharing sites at one time?
They support: Rapidshare, Megashares, Megaupload, Badongo, Filefront, UploadMirrors, Savefile, Yousendit, Easy-share, Dump.ru, Zippyshare, depositfiles, filefactory, filezs.to, Mediafire, Mbload, Share-Online, Neload, 4shared, Uploaded.to and many more!
I suggest you to add this to your list ;)
Unofrtunately UPLODAED.NET is
Unofrtunately UPLODAED.NET is no longer in their list
Best for rapidshare search engine
Try this to really great
My favourite rapidshare
My favourite rapidshare search site is http://rsfile.net. Its fast and resultsa are great!
best rapidshare search engine
Katz.cd best :)
Thank you very much...
Thank you very much...
Rapidlibrary.com but i dont
but i dont use any of these because their research is not 100% up to the point, i used google searcing engline and mostly find my files on first click!
Filespump The best
Simply the best
Files Bay - my favorite
My favorite is http://filesbay.net/. Largest base, checked links.
Huge RapidShare Links Library
Give it a try!
You guys.... What about FREEE????
The most important thing is not mentioned here.
Witch ones are TOTALLY FREE, and not just say - join for free and then you need to pay.
If you want to give good links, give the ones that are free, not the biggest or fastest.
All you affiliates make me sleepy...
i would suggest
I would suggest: http://www.rapidsharefilter.com
it is a nice rapid search engine
Time to remove...
rapidshare-search-engine.com from your list.
Since they changed the site all that shows up now are pay-for-sites.
I've already deleted the bookmark. Too bad, they used to be my "go-to" rs search engine.
I have downloaded a movie searching rapidlibrary. But after I downloaded there was password needed to open it.
Does anyone knows the password of Miss Donnerbusen 2?
I like http://www.rapidshareget.com Rapidshare search engine
make a try to
make a try to findshared.com. its searching some more websites and servers too.
Can anybody tell me where i
Can anybody tell me where i can find CCNA Network visualizer 6.0? i would be glad if you could give a rapidshare link that actually works! i've tried numerous but nothing works! :( and original program is damn expensive!! plzzz help!
I really like http://www.youfilesearch.com
It's a really clean nice design. Try it! :)
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
no body has write for
no body has write for filesbay.net it's cool try it also
http://rapidpond.com and
http://rapidpond.com and http://filespond.com are pretty good.
Try http://rapidsharefox.com.
It's clean, fast and ads free.
Also the results are without dead links!
and http://www1.rapideer.com
and http://www1.rapideer.com
THESE ARE ALL SHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goddam site advertisers putting their links up
This is the best Rapidshare Search Engine .
Easy to search
All the links are grouped
All the link are valid !!!!
Great alternative
What are we talking about? If you need a fast Rapidshare search engine with very relevant search results - you have to use http://dbuf.org. And then you'll get a lot of needed files without any ads. Try to use this http://dbuf.org and you'll be glad.
The best way to find you files => www.moomr.com
One of the biggest
What about www.filekingdom.com, its one of the biggest File Search engines on the net today, I am very surprised you didn't add this to your list
rapidshare search engine
I still would add http://www.usemeplz.com Because long time used rapidshare-search-engine, but has now stopped on Usemeplz.
search engine :)
i'd like to add to your website also http://filestolz.com ;-) My rapidshare search engine.
How to search rapidshare
Can anyway tell me how I can search/index rapidshare myself with web programming? Do they have web services available to search their files?
rapidshare search engine
rapidshare search engine
For me that would be
For me that would be www.filecrop.com
I can't remember how I discovered this but I can find there almost everything and all links so far are active!
Address update
Rapidshare-search-engine.com has moved to rapid-search-engine.com
Ramblings around the topic!
Hi chaps,
I have tried all of the most recent recommendations, not an exhaustive test but a simple search for 'Personal Stock Monitor' (a damn useful soft that I actually own, and no I don't work for them!). Many of the sites produce little of relevance - I mean how is porn coming up on some sites? Most of these sites are pretty rubbishy! Anyway I found these were the sites to give relevant results:
As someone else said a Google search is often the best way to find a file if you know what it is you want just type the name of whatever between inverted commas
i.e. "personal stock monitor gold" and add rapidshare after the words between inverted commas and you will often get a good result.
Sites such as Avax home that used to be good RS sites are no longer as uploaders migrate to sites that make them money such as Sharingmatrix and others which are total rubbish for free downloaders. Oneddl have good single click RS links and are good for TV stuff
If you know of other good RS sites please let the rest of us know. TIA!
Best rapidshare search
I want to recommend on of the biggest and the most effective rapidshare search - www.Searchrapid.pl
The big daddy of file search
Thanks for the great list. Couple of interesting entries there!
The problem with many file sharing sites seems to be:
1) malware / trojans
2) dead links
3) deceptive sponsored links
By far all the sites pale in comparison with Find That File.com .
It scans the rapidshare ( and all other files ) for viruses before returning results to the end user. I don't think any other site does that.
cheers once again for the useful list.
I have used many services.
I have used many services. But http://www.filecrop.com is best.
Its very fast and shows results from many other sites also. Try it & you'll know.
that's good
I use filecrop.com is the Best too, Try it!! Cheerr Best!!
Nice list!
Thanks for the recommendations! I'll certainly check them out.
very good list
Thanks for sharing.Some of those sites are not working anymore...
Search engines
Most of the above search engines are crap. To put it mildly they just don't work! Obviously from the uneducated comments above most would not know if a search program was good or bad!
Another site is
A very good highly reputed
A very good highly reputed search engine for all major share hosting
the best
check out sharedir.com,
there are 16 hosts supported currently, it even lists the password!
almost 100,000 files added daily!
There's a file checker also
I really liked your article.
I really liked your article. Keep up the good work.
Why to bother finding invalid links ?
If you are tired of invalid rapidshare links, try http://www.sharegloo.com, this search engine only returns websited with working links. Its unbelievable, but first useful search engine in this ocean of dead-link warehouses.
Hearty Heart-Felt Thank-You
I used to use Mayoko Search, but it stopped working for some reason. Sharegloo.com is the only search engine I've seen that gets as good results as Mayoko. Thanks and thanks again.
ZillionFiles.com is
ZillionFiles.com is particularly fast and straight forward, and yet it indexes the best uploading services.
search megaupload megashares rapidshare badongo filefront savefile
all in one :) www.rapidsearchengine.net
File Search: http://searchfiles.org/
10 file hosting search
Good Download
A very good highly reputed search engine for all major share hosting
Finding files in the Internet
The file search engine FindFiles.net hast indexed over 350 Million files. At great alternative!
Thanks for posting the list
Thanks for posting the list of Rapidshare search engines:-)
Very useful to me, however I rarely use Rapidshare, because I dont clearly get how it works...
My site
I made site which you can use for searching.
- http://www.filesseek.com - Files Seek is a free file search engine with which you can find links for download on RapidShare, MegaUpload, MegaShares, Badongo, DepositFiles, FileServe, Zippyshare, 4Shared, HotFile, Mediafire, NetLoad, Uploading, FileFactory and FileSonic. From now you can search and files by type. Suported file types: avi, mp3, mpeg, mpg, wma, wmv, rar and zip.
search Rapidshare, megaupload
search Rapidshare, megaupload , hotfile ... search for documents and videos, movies, mp3, games :
file search engine
I think the best choice at the moment is the http://www.general-files.com. Very useful and user-friendly and file base more than 300 000 000 files!!! :) Unique files and fast crawling rulez.
Free Software Download
Superb info for today world! It has become a practice to keep search every day on Google..I love using 4shared.com, its awesome.
The best movies search
The best movies search engine: http://filesexplorer.com/
Please, help me to find the best dating sites.
Your welcome everyone,
Help me to find popular dating sites: mens, womens, teens.
As for me represented a small
As for me represented a small list of search engines. Some of them are no longer relevant.
filetram.com is the best one
Post armageddon
New powerfull files search engine.
Here is a powerfull file search engine from files sharing sites: http://www.wiibeez.com/files.htm
A way for finding any file to download from different files share networks. Must be added to your post.
Locayt.com - Best File Search Engine on the Web
It surely has the largest file database on the web - Locayt.com
Hello! http://www.filez247.com is also a great files search engine, you can include this into your list.
As for me represented a small list of search engines. Some of them are no longer relevant.
Best files search engine.
This is the end of the road to my search for best files-search engine, thanks for all the wonderful people for their feedback, I was able to find what i wanted, although most part of the upper portion is crowded with dead links I was able find impressive results, using
http://www.sharegloo.com/ filters all the dead-links and works like a charm.
RAPIDFILESHARE.NET is the latest and by far the best sharing site online
i have used most of these
i have used most of these search engines and they are very useful. Specially File tube.
It's a file search engine forum
Rapidfileshare.net is file sharing site, not a file search engine.
rapidfileshare.net is very
rapidfileshare.net is very good I agree but this is for file search engines!
You should also try
You should also try http://findthatfile.com it searches upload sites, web, ftp, usenet and emule. If you want to search only one domain, search your keyword then scroll down and enter your domain on the left box and hit 'apply'.
thanx thanx thanx.
thanx thanx thanx.
No Comment
No Comment
Personally i use : www.uploaded-to.net (it’s not only for uploaded)
It Should Be the Top 3 Rapidshare Search Engines !
Why have this list if you don't check the links weekly ?
Of these 10 Links the following 7 (SEVEN) don't work !!!
I'm up to date as this is a new computer, as of 2 weeks ago.
Firefox can't find the server at www.rapidshare-search-engine.com.
Firefox can't find the server at www.rapidshare1.com.
Firefox can't find the server at www.rapidsharelink.com.
you are redirected to http://www1.c3k.net/
This page states you can buy this domain
Firefox can't find the server at www.filesbot.com.
This page loads, but is blank.
This domain forwards you to another site - No Thanks !
This link is dead.
You are redirected to various web sites.
Software Downloads Full
thank you
Thank you. I'm Invalid and hafe not enogh Money for others. THANK YOU!!!
Download songs
This is a great site....... !!!!
It’s time to update your list!
Hey i have One more suggestion for its FURIOUSBLUE.com Upload multiple files at once and keep them forever on this site. If you're using FireFox or Chrome, you can simply drag & drop your files to begin uploading.
Add new comment