
Making technology work for you...

How to configure free DDNS for cloud computing

Cloud computing has made massive computing resources to be available instantly to users with a single command. The always available, on-demand computing infrastructure comes specially handy for developers as it allows them to create and destroy development instances easily. One of the major benefit of cloud computing is you only pay for what you use, so when you are not working on a cloud-computing instance it can be powered-down and no computing cost will be charged. One drawback/annoyance of using this strategy is that the "publicly addressable" IP address will change with every reboot, to get past this we will show you how to use an automatically updated free dynamic dns system so you don't get bothered about the changing IP address anymore.

DDNS Solution For Cloud Computing

Watch Hand Picked Indian Movies Online Legally For Free At Cinemas Of India

NDFC logoIt's raining free online streaming movies for Indian users, after Youtube and Spuul, we have yet another streaming portal Cinemas Of India offering some excellent curated list of films that have been digitally restored. These movies can be enjoyed from anywhere from the world instantly in high quality for free and without requiring any registration.

Free hindi movies

[Video] Calling NSA for retrieval of accidentally deleted email ?

A lot got exposed about NSA snooping, intercepting and storing our e-mail's by Edward Snowden. Taking this fact into account, one guy decided to do a prank and called NSA about loosing an e-mail asking them for it's backup !!

Do watch the Part-I and Part-II of this viral youtube video shared below.

SpyNet from NSA

Watch Streaming Indian TV Shows And Movies Online For Free

Spuul the online video streaming portal provides free and paid access to streaming video content targeted to Indian languages all around the world legally. Users were able to enjoy high-quality, streaming Hindi movies online using their portal from any computer, and native applications for Google Android and Apple iOS platforms on mobile phones. The service is now also streaming Star Plus TV serials for users to enjoy anywhere, anytime. Spuul has now partnered with Star TV to stream their shows online 30 minutes after they are aired in India, users can access all shows for free and the service will be ad-supported.

Indian TV Show Streaming

Pogo - Apple MagSafe Functionality For Headphones

MagSafe is an patented magnetic conector system from Apple which allows safe disconnecion of cables when tripped over, the system protects against accidental damage to the device, plug and users by safely disengaging the cable when someone trips over the cord.

Regular earphone users face similar issues with it's cord accidentally getting caught upon on a door handle, or other similar situations like tripping your phone along with the connected cable. A simple solution to the problem is as suggested by the "Concept Pogo Addon" for your headphones, which uses the same magnetic connector concept like Apple MagSafe, as shown the video posted ahead.

Megsafe Pogo Plug

Official Online Java Uninstall Tool To Get Rid Of Old Versions Of Java

Java Runtime Environment is a must-have plugin for various web-applications, this powerful cross-platform web-application architecture is also one of the most exploited ones and can pose serious security risks if not updated regularly. The problem is, even if you have the latest updated Java version with new features, vulnerability fixes and performance improvements older version may still be there on your computer which can get compromised. We shared the JavaRa utility earlier, which takes care of this security risk allowing users to remove older Java versions from their computers. Oracle has now made available an online Java applet which allows users to check for older Java versions on their computers and uninstall them.

Online Java Uninstall Tool

Sneaksy - Minimalistic Password-Protected Hidden Folder Solution

Sneaksy is a super-minimalistic, hidden folder solution which protects sensitive data from unauthorized access. The portable and open-source application works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 platforms. Sneaksy is very simple to use, just download and launch to get started - there is no UI as such, on first run a small red-box will display on top-left corner of the screen where user inputs the desired password which will be visible so you can confirm what is entered. On subsequent runs you will need to use this password and it will no longer be shown, pressing enter will further shrink the password prompt in the corner unlocking the "Files" folder on desktop allowing authorized access. Click on the only visible "Red" handle in the corner to lock and hide the folder and exit the application.


Crack Default iOS Mobile Hotspot Passwords In Less Than a Minute

Apple iOS uses a small list of "random" words to generate default passwords for the "personal hotspot" Wifi sharing option, and researches have now exploited this security oversight to crack these passwords in less then 50 seconds for majority of them. This not only allows the hacker to use your internet connection but once connected on the same network the hacker can also launch man-in-the-middle attacks for gaining access to your Apple device and the data traveling through the connection. The team also released the source-code for "iOS Hotspot Cracker" app written in Apple's Xcode programming environment for everyone to download.

iPhone Password Cracker

Free 10 Terabyte's Of Cloud Storage With Native Mobile App Support

Recently flickr upgraded free image storage quota to a full Terabyte, but now Chinese tech company Tencent has played their card taking the game to a whole new level. The company announced a shocking 10TB worth of free storage on their cloud storage service (Weiyun) for everyone, the best part is you get native mobile apps for Apple iOS and Google Android platforms to access the storage on your mobile devices.

10TB worth of free cloud storage
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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