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Top tricks you can pull off with YouTube

Youtube Tips

YouTube is an amazing website and millions of people seem to think so since they keep returning to watch more and more cat videos. It’s more than just a website, as it’s also a community and a launching ramp for some of today’s biggest stars. However, most people just take YouTube at face value, meaning that they see it as a place where they can watch videos. Here are some things you probably didn’t know about YouTube that will make it all the more enjoyable when you go back.

Listening to entire music albums
Listening to songs on YouTube is nothing new, but did you know that you can listen to entire albums? Many artists have YouTube playlists with all the songs in an album, ready to be enjoyed. However it can be quite difficult to find these playlists at times. The easy way to do it is to put a hashtag (#) in front of the artist’s name when searching for their music. For example, if you’d like to listen to an entire Beyonce album, simple search for #Beyonce and you will be transported to an artist page solely focusing on Beyonce’s official channel and videos, as well as playlists. Here, you can find playlists for your favorite album.

Downloading songs to your device
Another cool thing that not everyone knows about is the fact that you can download songs from YouTube directly to your device or computer. To do this, you just need a youtube converter like . This service will let you copy the video link and receive the MP3 version in exchange. Downloading from YouTube is neat because you can get superior quality audio for songs that you really like, as well as enjoy songs when you’re not connected to the internet. This makes for an overall awesome feature.

Put a timer on a video
Have you ever wanted to share a video but couldn’t because it was too long and you didn’t think the person you were sharing it with had the patience to sit out the less interesting bits? You can actually set timers on videos so when the link you send is opened, it starts from whatever moment in the video you choose. To do this, pause the video at the precise moment when you want it to start for the person you’re sending it to. Next, go down on the page and look for the Send button. Click it, and below the link that pops up, check the little box that says “Start the video from X”, where X is the minute mark where the video is paused. Next, just copy the link above the checkmark (not the browser address bar) and give it to whomever you want to see the funny or interesting part you’ve just seen.


Damn it! Next click the bait article. Wait, are you serious? I expected to see something unusual here, some hidden possibilities, but you have it here .... I'm not saying that it's written badly, but I have not read anything new for myself. I will add the most important hidden opportunity YOUTUBE - it's listening to music and doing any business. I often start write my essay under calm music and it really helps.

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