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Flashphone Offering Free Wordwide VOIP Calls

Free VOIP Calls FlashPhone - A Russian VOIP company is offering free VOIP calls to all the major countries worldwide, this free web-service allows you to call directly from a standard webbrowser without installing anything (needs Adobe Flash Plugin), temporarily only one call of 5 minute duration per day is allowed. SIP compatible Flashphone is easy to use and is totally web-based, you can make and receive calls using any VoIP provider in any place on the Earth. You can also use the mobile version of flashphone on PDAs, communicators and smartphones.

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So don't wait Register free and enjoy free worldwide calling >>


its good

How can i download the application, I need it

can any 1 send me the link to download the application

How i can download

plz can any one tell me how can i download the application

The only thing you can download is the .air file, which requires Adobe Air to be installed first (check

Other than that, its all web based. Nothing to download...

As I understand I need some SIP and PSTN to make it call to usual phone

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