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iPhone Trojan And Viruses Are Here !

iPhone AntiVirusYou may soon need an anti-virus solution for your Apple iPhone and iPod Touch devices as there seem to be an increasing number of reports claiming virus and trojan outbreaks on jail-broken iPhones, almost an year ago iPhone Trojan named '113 prep' created quite a buzz being the first virus/Trojan for iPhone appearing onto the radar, now iPhone users are reporting strange message popups on there devices.

iPhone Virus

Despite this being suggested as an iPhone Virus or Trojan by some forum members I am very much sure that it is nothing more then a prank, but considering the current scenario of increasing number of jail-broken iPhones having ability to install unverified cracked applications this can soon lead to make malware creators target these devices.

While researching on the issue I came across the image below being reported as an iPhone virus :

Fake iPhone Trojan

Anybody with a fair knowledge of computers can easily tell this as a fake image where Windows XP screenshot is imposed over an iPhone screen, but this can soon be a reality when malware creators realize the monetary potential of infecting these exploitable iPhones via unverified cracked iPhone application (.IPA) files.


can you remove these viruses by simply restoring your iphone?
and is this only for iphone or can it be transferes to ipod touches?

lol @ this guy

Was a week ago buddy.

Everything has 2 faces. Here is technology we are talking about. On one it is helping human on the other hand it is destroying us. Choose your antivirus wisely. Have a good day.

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