Codenamed "Windows Blue", the previously leaked Windows version which was believed to be a major update to the operating-system (as Windows 9) has now been officially confirmed as Windows 8.1 update. According to an announcement made at the official Microsoft blog the update which was previously referred with codename “Windows Blue” will now be called Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 buyers would soon be able to download and upgrade to this version through the Windows Store for free. The Windows 8.1 public preview launch is scheduled for June, 2013.

The announcement also mentioned that Microsoft has listened to the feedback received from it's users, and has addressed the same in Windows 8.1 update. While, Microsoft will be releasing more information about the update in coming days it is believed that the "Start button" will make it's comeback — a feature majority of Windows 8 found missing and got confused without it.
Microsoft bringing back the
Microsoft bringing back the start menu? Why would they do such a thing.
It's not like Windows 8 controlled like sh*t with a mouse or anything, right? Sure, the charm bar disappearing when you are trying to use it is a pain in the ass, but I'm sure it's all part of microsoft's big plan to make all of us have gorilla arms from using a touchscreen monitor, to make us get some exercise! God knows we need it.
I would personally love to see some better compatibility with games. That whole overprotective UAC that's now blocking program files edit even when disabled should be removed, it's causing tons of issue of some older games, even in some newer ones.
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