If you liked the zBigz torrent2http service shared earlier, you are going to absolutely love this one. Today, we are giving away absolutely free accounts of KPH Services Seedboxes the big daddy of zBigz.
For the uninitiated, a SeedBox is a dedicated server used exclusively for torrent downloading and uploading connected to a high-speed internet connection for fastest possible speeds. Having a Seedbox not only provides a user with easier and faster direct HTTP and FTP download links with resume and download manager support, they also provides anonymity with no worries of Torrent share ratios in private communities. KPH Services also feature many other exclusive features like video streaming, creation of public sharing links and direct upload to users one-click file-hoster accounts.

Features of RTS-50 Seedboxes from KPH services :
► 50 GB HDD Space with unlimited torrent downloading support
► Unmetered Traffic
► RSS Feeds
► FTP/SFTP/Http Downloading
► Create & Edit Torrents
► Unpack/Create .rar Files
► Create Public Share Links with time-limit and password protection
► ruTorrent with Choice of 5 Skins
► Direct Torrent link and Magnet Links Supported, also works with remote WebUI's and browser addons for one-click auto addition to torrents to download queue
► File Manager
► Public & Private Trackers
► Stream Videos Instantly
► Support for uploading to all major one-click file hosters accounts like Rapidshare, Mediafire etc.
KPH Services is sponsoring Ten RTS-50 accounts for One month under this giveaway, use the widget below to participate. A Total of ten winners will be awarded their prizes after completion of this activity, rule is simple 10 users with highest number of points/entries wins the prize. In case of a tie users will be selected by lucky draw.
Don't want the wait to enjoy the ultimate torrent downloading bliss, Signup now at KPH Services and use MegaLeecher in order notes or support ticket and you will receive an extra 50% disk space, free of charge.
why you would like to have a seedbox ?
because its so cooool
because its much better than
because its much better than anything else.!
I am a frequent downloader...like to get benefit as much as possible..
its nice thatn anyother
its nice thatn anyother
cause i've low bandwidth
cause i've low bandwidth
i would love to
i would love to use this service
to use this service and
to use this service and download large files quickly and easily
Pikachu wants a seedbox.
Pikachu wants a seedbox. pleeeaaase :)
seedbox account
try for KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes
I need an invite too
I need an invite too :D
I will use this seed box to download torrents which are very slow at full speeds.
its free, its great i love it
it help 2 download torrents
it help 2 download torrents much easily
Why wouldn't I like to have a
Why wouldn't I like to have a seedbox would be a much easier question. I could basically copy and paste all the features you've listed above as reasons why I want one..
this is an awesome giveaway i hope i win bcoz i torrent a lot i am a pirate
this is an awesome giveaway i hope i win bcoz i torrent a lot i am a pirate
this is an awesome giveaway i
this is an awesome giveaway i hope i win bcoz i torrent a lot i am a pirate
Comment for an entry
Cannot miss thefast download and security !!
I would like to have a
I would like to have a seedboх for anonymous and fast download files. Great servise and nice giveaway! Thanks Megaleecher and KPH Services for this chance! Best Regards.
I love downloading torrents,
I love downloading torrents, I really would like to win one of the accouts.
Widget Not Working
The widget will not load and is not working. We can't do the participation thing for the free account!
Its working, pls. wait a while or try another web-browser.
I would like to use this
I would like to use this seedbox to both seed and leech file easily as I am currently living at my school hostel and the torrent and gaming block are blocked therefore unable to access them.
Count me in too!
Thanks For This Awesome Opportunity - Feedback
I am so much Excited with this News, i am A Long Time Subscriber Megaleecher . so i expect to win this if i have luck . Zbigz is not good . it gives only 50kbps for free user . so i want to Get Unlimited Speed with Seedbox. i had already shared this on Social sites via Punch-tube . WIll Share Soon On My Site.
thousands Thanks For Organizing Such a Wonderful Giveaway .
Yay! Seedbox!
By having a seedbox, I would not have a worry on the amount of my remaining diskspace. I do not have to rely on my current Torrent client to check on the status of the download.
With this seedbox, I can check on the status on my mobile as it is easy to access in anywhere I am. I will not have to remote my home PC to check on the status anymore! Is that wonderful?
Plus! This seedbox has unmetered bandwidth too! I am no longer to worry on having capped bandwidth if I am overlimit. And the most advantage for me is I am no longer to get any restriction from my ISP.
Well, this seedbox has a lot of features that are useful to me as I can access via FTP protocols, from servers to servers with SFTP. The best thing is it has .RAR files support where I can easily unpack the files or create archives on the fly.
It is also useful when I can easily access to my Torrent files with the file manager support whereby most of the web-based torrent client does not have.
It is truly wonderful that I can easily upload my files from other file hosting sites. And even view the preview of the downloaded video within it.
Overall, this seedbox is great! 5/5 stars for it! Just hoping that I have a chance to win and try it right away!
Finally, thank you to MegaLeecher and KPH Services for such product giveaway!
I'd love to have a seedbox so
I'd love to have a seedbox so I can seed on the run! Being able to access my files anywhere is invaluable!
Hi, I want a seedbox because
I want a seedbox because I hate waiting for torrents to be downloaded by regular bittorrent client.
Help please from any one
Any one who can tell me free internet tricks for n73 in malawi. Please send me a mesage to oximaxpedro@gmail.com, your imediate respose will be greately apriceated.
my band width is low its (512Kbps) but its unlimited ..seedbox can help me alot by speeding the download and upload .... and i love sharing ....t...and tnx KPS for offering free accounts ...
Thanks for this amazing
Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
Thank you for this grat
Thank you for this grat giveaway!
Wow Good
Thanks for this opportunity!!
I want to use seedbox surely
Sometime I would find old
Sometime I would find old software or document usually torrent have them but with low seeders. It take forever to download. I hope get the super great giveaway of Megaleecher to fix my problems. Thank as always!
Yes Super giveaway
yes !!!!!-----
Super great giveaway . Thanks and i m in :)
i love seeding
why i need this
I need it because it would save a lot of time for me as a lot of time is wasted waiting for torrent to complete through utorrent.
Thank you for this very useful giveaway for regular readers
Thank U Very Much
why you would like to have a seedbox ?
Because I like it.
Why I would like to have a seeb box?
Here is the answer to that :D :
► 50 GB HDD Space with unlimited torrent downloading support
► Unmetered Traffic
► RSS Feeds
► FTP/SFTP/Http Downloading
► Create & Edit Torrents
► Unpack/Create .rar Files
► Create Public Share Links with time-limit and password protection
► ruTorrent with Choice of 5 Skins
► Direct Torrent link and Magnet Links Supported, also works with remote WebUI's and browser addons for one-click auto addition to torrents to download queue
► File Manager
► Public & Private Trackers
► Stream Videos Instantly
► Support for uploading to all major one-click file hosters accounts like Rapidshare, Mediafire etc.
KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes With Unmetered Bandwidth
I find the offer extremely attractive as bandwidth getting capped is the biggest prob here at India. Even though I have a 5mbps connection with bsnl, arguably the country's biggest ISP, [upto 30 gb download/upload] they keep throttling the bandwidth, so download a 350 mb torrent itself takes ages.
I do hope you can give me a free account, which might give me a way out of this problem, and then I could sign up for my own account if the service does deliver as indicated.
best regards
KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes With Unmetered Bandwidth
I would like to have this facility if it means it would drastically increase the speed of all torrent downloads which is my biggest headache.
Please keep me in mind for one connection which i could use, evaluate and then consider a permanent connection if performance is as indicated.
Actually, i prefer to promote
Actually, i prefer to promote the information be transferred everywhere as it should be ,i hate block. firewall, even the law. why so many things block the information.
This will help downloading
This will help downloading torrent faster because you will not thinking about what time the seeder will be online.
My internet speed is slow and i would love to use this service to download torrents on hi-speed.
I would love to increase my
I would love to increase my ratio at speed cd
great site and great giveaway! thanks much!
Free Seedbox
I would just love a seedbox for Christmas! All those torrents and magnet files - can't wait!
I will use this seed box to
I will use this seed box to download torrents which are very slow at full speeds
Please let me win!
I'd love an account so I can remotely access all of my important from any device anywhere in the world!
giveaway work no more??
The widget will not load and is not working Looks like we are having problems loading the giveaway. Please reload the widget. :-(
Where it Makes Speed, and make my ratio go upwards ;)
i'd love to share all my
i'd love to share all my stuffs wid my frndz
Because It will help me up my
Because It will help me up my ratio !
Happy Sharing All !
It has so many features.
It has so many features.
Like to have a seedbox
Great giveaway.
Handy in speeding torrents.
love to download faster on a
love to download faster on a slow internet connection
Im from italy and some ISP
Im from italy and some ISP block P2P ports for saving bandwith. This it`s against freedom. And freedom is all. This is a great services for me, my country, and people who want to share the WWW. thx
Would like to seed at a higher speed
love upload and downloads
Is awesome to have such service for those internet are slow =D
Reply to Question
This service sounds extremely useful. It would definitely be of great assistance since my connection to the internet isn't the best in the world.
Like to have a seedbox
one seed gives you so many fruits imagine what a seedbox would do.he he he ha ha.....
cos it looks awesome
cos it looks awesome
I will like to have this because
its really an awesome thing to have
Best ever wanna give a try
i have used many seedboxes which offer good services and this seems to be best till now hope to get one thnks
Please add me!!
I need this Seedboxes because is my internet connection is bad please add me !!
thx for sharing this nice
thx for sharing this nice stuff
i love high speed
thx for sharing a awesum source for downloading torrents in high speed ..... :)
thx for sharing this nice stufff
I want to win!
a month of free access...
great site and great
great site and great giveaway!
I like it.
why you would like to have a seedbox ?
I would like to have a seedbox as I like to download torrents and seed them back. My connection at home sucks and takes a lot of time to upload back. I have never used a seedbox but have always loved to have one. I am not employed yet or would have purchased a seedbox at megaleecher, may be some time later I could think of it. Thanx for arranging the giveaway!!!
Terrible ISP!!
My ISP upload speed really kills my ratio!! Having a seedbox will definitely help me increase my ration and avoid any suspension or termination from private trackers.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Thanks KPHServices &
Thanks KPHServices & MegaLeecher, I won the account with the user name rt3109. Best Regards.
I am one of the winners of
I am one of the winners of this contest with the user name rt3109. I have tested and used KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes for one month. All very talented and very comfortable. Аnd most importantly that it is safe. You can use Standard connection, Secure SSL connection, FTP and SFTP. I used Opera and FlashFXP (SFTP connection). Very quickly, reliably and safely. I think that today there is nothing like KPH Services Torrent Seedboxes. Thank KPHServices & MegaLeecher so much for this opportunity! I liked it and I will definitely recommend your services to my friends and acquaintances.
Best Regards.
Slow Speed I Want Seedbox To Seed My Torrent And Others Torrents
I would like to have a seedbox as I like to download torrents and seed them back. I Am A Uploader Also But i a having Very Slow Speed Downloader Take 18 Hours To Download My Torrent Or More Time. My connection at home is very low(25-30kb/s) and takes a lot of time to upload back. I have never used a seedbox but have always loved to have one. I am a student , not employed yet or-else i would have purchased a seedbox at megaleecher....
You Can Also See My Speed On Speedtest.net
Image Link:- http://speedtest.net/result/2658685749.png
Thanks for arranging the giveaway!!!
I Would LOVE If I Have A SeedBox... Thanks
free seedbox
hell ya!!! A free seed box would be nice... Every time I run utorrent my isp craps out!!! LOL plus I have to share with 2 other people....
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