
Making technology work for you...

GeoHot Offered Free "Windows Phone 7" By Dev Team To Let Him Jailbreak And Develop Upon

WP7 Jailbreak

Unlike Sony and Apple, Microsoft is actually encouraging (or having a soft spot) for jail-breaking their mobile-phone, impressed by Microsoft's approach with ChevronWP7 jailbreakers (they called them to Redmond and gifted them the T-Shirt shown below) jail-breaking star GeoHot posted "perhaps a more appropriate way to deal with jailbreakers, I’m going out to buy a Windows 7 phone" on his website which resulted in some rather interesting response from Windows Mobile 7 Dev Experience Team Director "Brandon Watson" who tweeted back offering a free phone to him to develop upon :

"#geohot if you want to build cool stuff on #wp7, send me email and the team will give you a phone - let dev creativity flourish #wp7dev"

WP7 Jailbreak Reward

Download RealPlayer Beta For Android Devices

"Real Player" the popular multimedia player from RealNetworks is now available on Google Android OS as a BETA release, in it's current build the multimedia-player makes it easier for users to play and organize music, photos and videos. No streaming options are seen as of now but considering the fact that RealNetworks is mostly known for there audio/video streaming services the feature must get unveiled in future builds.

Real Player Beta For Android Mobile

Featuring an intuitive user interface managing your multimedia collection on the device gets simpler, high-resolution application images with direct download link available after the jump.

IObit Malware Fighter - Complete Malware Protection Suite With Cloud Security

After offering some great utilities like IObit Toolbox, IOBit Advanced SystemCare, and IObit Game Booster we have yet another great looking software from the company as first public BETA of "IObit Malware Fighter" is now available for download.

Developed to be a complete and efficient solution to block, scan and remove malware's - the brand new anti-malware solution comes with an impressive feature set and a beautiful sleek user-interface, Complete feature review with images and videos available after the jump.

IObit Malware Fighter

The Chase Film - Awesome Geeky Viral Video By Intel Showing Multi-tasking Capabilities Of Processors

If you love fun geeky videos like Java Vs .Net Battle shared earlier, here is another one for you from Intel. Going absolutely viral on Youtube "The Chase Film" is aimed to create excitement around the 2nd Generation Intel Core i5 processor demonstrating it's performance capabilities in a fun and action packed way. The video shows a action-movie styled chase sequence taking place through a wide variety of program windows on a computer desktop, full-video available after the jump.

Viral Video

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Free One Year Subscription Promo

When it comes to computer-security suite Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 is my utility of choice, KIS 2011 has everything you need to stay safe and secure while using your computer and internet. After a long time we have another promotion offering a full-year free activation key-code of this top internet security suite, follow the steps provided next to benefit.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011

How To Get An Invite For All New Facebook Messages Service

Touted as "Gmail Killer" the new Facebook Email Service was being rumored from quite some time now and has finally been officially unveiled, dubbed "The New Messages" the update to existing Facebook Messages feature now combines Texts, chat and email together in one simple conversation.

The updated "New Facebook Messages" interface not only displays your Facebook messages but also interweaves all chats, texts and emails from a central location. The great part is you can also choose your own email address, the new feature is slowly being rolled out to users and to grab your personal invite for Facebook Email just follow the link posted at the end of this post.

Facebook Email Invite

Impressive Linux Boot In One Second

SwiftBootNobody likes to wait for their computers/cellphones/devices to boot-up and many technologies are now being worked upon to get rid of the startup delays, we already have solutions like Instant On Splashtop OS before us and developments like "SwiftBoot" providing sub-second boot speeds for embedded Linux devices has made things look much more promising in near future.

Instant On Linux OS

Check-out the video demonstration of this super-fast Linux boot next.

Apple iPad 2 Leaked Video

While there is not much information available about the next-generation Apple iPad 2 the tablet is rumored to be releasing officially in February, 2011, the rumor-mill is once again hot after leak of the following video allegedly showing Apple iPad 2 which is said to be leaked from CES 2011 via an Chinese iPad accessory supplier.

Apple iPad 2

Full-video after the jump.

Free Genuine One Year Subscription Key For Panda Internet Security 2011

Panda Security has a wide range of computer security software's for everybody's need, if you missed the Panda Cloud Antivirus promotion, here is your chance to grab a full-version one-year genuine subscription key to Panda Internet Security 2011.

Panda Internet Security 2011 is a complete computer security solution offering protection from viruses, spyware, rookits, hacking tools, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats, In addition, it keeps your inbox spam-free, offers Parental Control features and allows you to browse the web privately and securely with sandboxed Panda Safe Browser.

Panda Internet Security 2011

GeoHot Sued By Sony For Jail-breaking PlayStation 3

Unlike cellphone companies game-console makers subsidize their products to later make money by selling game-copies earning huge-margins, and this exact reason seems to be the motive why Sony Corporation has taken the legal-route filing an lawsuit against Geohot and the fail0verflow team for developing PlayStation 3 exploits and jailbreak tools releasing them in public which could potentially lead to Pirated PS3 Games hurting Sony's revenue stream.

GeoHot Website Informing About The Lawsuit
Sony PlayStation 3
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